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Home Ratings Edmonton PPMs

Edmonton PPMs

Edmonton Numeris PPM All Persons 12+ Summer 2022

Up continues to go up and in 1st place at 10.6, followed by CISN Country with CHED comes in 3rd place .. Virgin and Play continue to hug the basement

Edmonton PPM Nov 29, 2021 – Feb 27, 2022

CISN Country has bounced back to number One, with CBC following in 2ndf place. CKRA, the Breeze has changed direction and headed back up and holds the 3rd place

Edmonton PPM May 31, 2021 – August 29, 2021

Notables: Pattison Media;s Up has moved up to the top of the heap... and their sister station NOW has rebound into 2nd place, cbc comes in 3rd... Down, down, down has gone the Breeze is now in 8th place, so much for voice-tracking... and CRUZ is starting to cruise upward, good for them.... Wow! holy moly, look at 630, dropping down to 8th place, hmmm. It's all Inside

NUMERIS Overview: PPM Ratings – Jun 2021, by David Bray…

COVID continues to impact radio revenues across Canada. In addition, there have been a variety of issues concerning diary markets. Let’s see if we can find some good news in the latest PPM radio ratings released today.

Edmonton PPM Mar 1, 2021 – May 30, 2021

Up! moves into first place, followed by CBC, with K-97 coming in third place. Stingrays Breeze is falling, falling, falling - so much for Harvards flip to Play, it ain't happening... see more inside...

Edmonton PPMs Nov 30, 2020 – Feb 28, 2021

The Breeze rules in Edmonton folllowed by up!, CBC and CHED is in 4th place. Play has taken a nose dive along with Virgin...

Edmonton PPMs All Person 2+Fall 2020

Jim Pattison's Up comes in number one, followed by CBC, Now is third and CHED drops to 8th place

David Bray Analysis Vancouver, Edmonton & Calgary PPMs

Vancouver: CKNW grabs the #1 spot for A12+ with a 14.6% share of hours tuned (up from 13.5%)Calgary: News Talk 770 leads the way for A12+ with an 9.6% - Edmonton: UP 99.2 takes #1 with A12+, posting an 8.1% share of hours tuned -

Edmonton PPM Radio Ratings. May 25 – Aug. 30, 2020

CBC continues in top spot, and UP! moves Up to 2nd place. The Breeze takes a dive but still holding strong...

David Bray’s PPM Analysis for Edmonton .. May 2020

NOW! Radio takes top spot for F25-54, delivering a 16.8% share (up from 15.7 %). The Bear tops the list for M25-54 with a 14.2 % share (up from 13.2%).