Sunday, May 5, 2024

Industry News

Art Bell, blazing new trails at 70

Art Bell said "We announced it just as an Internet radio show. Well, gosh! Radio stations began to call us asking to carry it. I couldn't think of any real reason to say no. I didn't ever anticipate it.

Vista to launch Creston station August 7th

94.1 Juice FM will provide Creston with hourly news throughout the week along with local sports, weather, road reports and community events. The new radio station launches Friday August 7th at 1PM...

MONDAY in Broadcast History .. July 20th

IT WAS JULY 20th ... when NBC radio debuted 'G-Men' as a Saturday night feature. For most of its 20-year run the title was 'Gangbusters'... When "The Arthur Murray Party" premiered on ABC TV, featuring the man behind a nationwide chain of dance schools and his wife Kathryn. As it continued its 10-year run on the tube it would move to DuMont, CBS, & NBC... When UBC's student-operated radio station CiTR-FM broadcast in stereo for the first time.... ..and when Vancouver-born actor James Doohan (pictured), best known for playing Scotty on Star Trek, died at his home in suburban Seattle at age 85. ALL the milestones for July 20th INSIDE.

Cosby Admitted ‘Offering Women Money’ for Silence After Sex

Bill Cosby is reported as saying in the deposition he was skilled in reading women's reactions: "I think I'm a pretty decent reader of people and their emotions in these romantic sexual things, whatever you want to call them."

SUNDAY in Broadcast History .. July 19th

IT WAS JULY 19th .. when Regina's pioneer radio station CKCK signed on with 2000 watts at 420 metres. .. When the BBC World Service began frequent playing of the first notes of Beethoven's 5th Symphony as Prime Minister Winston Churchill launched his "V for Victory" campaign... When Our Miss Brooks, starring Eve Arden and Gale Gordon (pictured), began its 9-year run on CBS radio... ..and when Vancouver's CJNW-730 signed on with modern rock and no DJs, preparatory to introducing its ill-fated MOJO format, talk radio for males, three weeks later. ALL the milestones for July 19th INSIDE.

Dr. Sport: Book in the Works on Legendary CKNW Sportscaster

During his tumultuous career at ’NW, Al Davidson was acquitted of arson charges that were laid after fire damaged the station’s boat Seawatch and he later won a wrongful dismissal suit for threatening the life of sportscaster Neil Macrae, whom Davidson had hired.

SATURDAY in Broadcast History .. July 18th

IT WAS JULY 18th .... when Saskatoon got its pioneer radio station as CFQC Saskatoon signed on 400 metres with 200 watts of power.... When CKVU-TV was licensed as Vancouver's third television station. It signed on 14 months later. Today it is known as City-TV... When CBS radio introduced its experimental Columbia Workshop of the Air,.. ..and when obits included one-half of Canada’s favorite comedy team Johnny Wayne; and veteran NBC & PBS newsman Paul Duke. Details of ALL the July 18th milestones INSIDE.

FRIDAY in Broadcast History .. July 17th

Broadcast celebrities born July 17th include Canadians Art Linkletter (pictured) and Donald Sutherland, actress/singer Diahann Carroll and Baywatch’s David Hasselhoff. Disneyland opened its doors in California, John Chancellor debuted as host of NBC-TV’s Today Show, Anne Murray scored another #1 hit, and Rod Stewart released his first solo single, “Maggie Mae.” Obits for July 17th include broadcasters Walter Cronkite and Bernard Cowan, jazz greats Billie Holliday and John Coltrane, author Mickey Spillane, and actors Larry Haines and Geraldine Fitzgerald. ALL the milestones for the date INSIDE.

Jenn Dalen moving on up to KG Country!

from country to more country, Jenn hangs onto her cowboy hat and elevates to PD in Red Deer More Inside...

Colin Cowherd Leaving ESPN for Fox Sports

ESPN made an aggressive bid to keep Cowherd, sources say. But ultimately lost out to Fox Sports, which has been on a spending spree since the launch of its cable networks two years ago.