Our late friend Bobby McQuillan (BMCQ) is being put to rest today, on his 71st Birthday



It was back in July, the 24th day, a Saturday, I received an email from one of Bobby’s close and long time friend’s Lance, that Bob had died that day of a heart attack. Many of you will remember him as BMCQ, an often commentator on music and radio man’s fave, as well as the political scene, not too forget many hot and heavy topics for the mind. He was also a supporter of PSR. His lovely wife Lynnie dropped me an email this morning, saying she, their son Maxwell, (who has taken over the business and is doing a great job. Lynnie says Bobby would be so proud of him.) Maxwell’s wife and Lynnie’s sister Pauline will be visiting one of Bobby’s favourite Vancouver parks and spreading his ashes. By the way, Lynnie is doing well, very well. By the way, today is Bobby’s 71st birthday. Happy birthday in heaven Bobby.

Read the original story of his death on PSR HERE



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