CFAX Reunion Brunch photos…



Thanks to Mel Cooper for sending along these photos of the  recently held CFAX Reunion.  See Related Story HERE 

“Mel Cooper, Founder of C-FAX Santa’s Anonymous and Carmela Cooper who served on Santa’s Anonymous Board for 20 years”
“Alan Perry and wife Suzanne”


sitting by the window, “Former Sales Rep Brian Craik and former Sales Manager Kevin Bell in conversation.”
“Long-serving C-FAX Technical Director Bud Goes and Secretary Mary Katherine Ross”


“Kirk Northcott , long-time C-FAX Retail Sales Manager with Sales Secretary Kelly Devion and super sales star Elaina Konoby-Sinclair”
“C-FAX News Director Ryan Price and former ND Alan Perry still work together indirectly. Alan’s Saturday Tech show is top-rated.”
“Wendy Sahaydak retired Assistant to Mel Cooper, with Bud Goes, former Technical Director”.






  1. I would have thought Barry Bowman would have been included in these pics, or was he invited?
    Didn’t he work for the station 20 Plus years? just wondering?


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