Boomers: Maybe Not As Mobile As You Think





November the 2nd, 2015

A new study reported today by should be of interest to News/Talk and Sports/Talk stations — formats that rely heavily on Baby Boomer audiences. eMarketer says that although digital marketing is becoming increasingly invested in mobile, U.S. baby boomers — still a large group of consumers “with an outsized portion of total purchasing power” — has a considerably below-average rate of adoption when it comes to smartphones — the primary target of mobile marketers.

eMarketer’s research says it expects just two-thirds of all boomers (including three-fourths of boomers with mobile phones) will have smartphones by the end of this decade, vs. more than nine in 10 Millennials and Gen Xers. “Ownership of phones is just part of the story,” says eMarketer in a report carrying the lengthy title of Running the Risk of Leaving US Boomers Behind: Marketers’ Emphasis on Mobile Could Isolate This Not-So-Mobile Generation.

“One must also look at how smartphone Boomers use the devices. At the most basic level, Baby Boomers simply do not use smartphones as often as younger people do.”

Read more HERE. 






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