Matthew McBride’s CKPM gets four year renewal from CRTC

Matthew McBride

Good news for Matthew McBrides Port Moody radio station CKPM-FM which was given a short term (4 years) license renewal today by the CRTC.

Issues brought before the commish included only airing 2.5%, instead of the required 25% of music including World Beat/International as well as Jazz and Blues music. Not to forget the station came up short 10% of their musical content…

The CRTC decision also NOTED the station has yet to turn a profit.


Related PSR Story about McBride HERE




  1. Whose palms at the CRTC offices did McBride grease in order to get that licence renewal, I wonder? Because by all rights, his licence should’ve been yanked post-haste due to non-compliance and other issues.

  2. Who knows… CRTC might be beginning to feel the effects of their irrelevance, anywhere west of the Ont/Man border.
    Matt’s a cowboy, doin’ his thing, as he always has.

  3. Hey guys,

    It has been a while since the last comment but i want to know what’s going on with CKPM. I use to listen regularly to a show called Headphone Heaven. The DJ behind that, I believe Mr. Wah, had an extraordinary talent when it came to music and you could tell he knew what he was talking about. I use to listen to that show and enjoyed it quite much. A while back I met these 2 staff members for CKPM at a golf tournament and had a quite swell chat with them. Just wanted to check in on how the station is going and if Matt is still “running” the station or if someone bought him over.


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