Bob Johnstone to Kelowna



97.3 The Eagle Comox/Courtenay stalwart Bob Jonstone is on the move, we’re speculating that he’s the new co-host for Susan Knight on Q103

Bob posted this to the Eagle facebook page this morning

Hi. Bob here. Ummm, so I have some news…

I’m going to be leaving The Eagle at the end of June. I’ll be headed to a JPBG radio station in Kelowna. I’m very conflicted because my wife and I LOVE it here. It’s very hard to leave. We have a great team at The Eagle and I’ve been super fortunate to work with them these past few years. I’ll especially miss working with Bill. It’s been a blast,

In the end, the challenge, the change and the cha-ching were too good to pass up.

Thank you SO much for letting me be part of your mornings and your community. It’s been my privilege and I’ll miss it.


Bob is also an accomplished drummer. We think he wont have any trouble in K-town finding a band to play skins for.


  1. To clarify:

    This was a note that I posted this morning on our station’s public Facebook page to let listeners know what was up, before the ol’ rumour mill got churning. It was posted shortly after we first broached the topic on-air.

    My plan is to address the details of the move – and my excitement for it – in the near future.

    This first post on the topic honestly shows my ambivalence at giving up a very comfortable position, and was intended to let listeners know that the decision was not an easy one. I’ve been fortunate to have been in mornings in this (amazing) market for years and I’m leaving a well-established morning show team. For obvious reasons, a public post on our station Facebook page would/should be slanted toward that sentiment.

    That does not in any way diminish my excitement for the opportunity which has been presented to me – whatever that might be…

    I’m very excited for what’s next. I just had to downplay it in this particular instance.

    Odd to be a ‘topic’ on PSR. Just wanted to give my FB post a little context.



  2. [Quote]Odd to be a ‘topic’ on PSR. Just wanted to give my FB post a little context[/Quote]

    I find it ‘Odd’ you would make such a statement, considering this is the media industry and PSR is the way to go when reaching every broadcaster across Canada and beyond. Have you no idea Bob, that people are most interested in what happened with the house cleaning which affected fellow broadcasters, then there’s the rebuilding and restructuring of Jimmy’s radio stations in Kelowna. It’s big news. Perhaps you’re not ready for the ‘big’ time?

  3. i guess mediafan and i read the quote different:

    [Quote]Odd to be a ‘topic’ on PSR. Just wanted to give my FB post a little context[/Quote]

    I read it that Bob was “Humbled” to be a subject of a post – mediafan read it as something totally different i guess. sort of a Glass half something?
    just sayin’

  4. Agreed, fellow Anonymous… It didn’t strike me as some sort of Pollyanna “gosh golly gee” kind of statement, whatsoever.

    What I don’t find “Odd”, however, is seeing a comment with that standard internet self-righteousness… This isn’t Gawker, mediafan. Save the indignation for a typo somewhere else.

    Good on you, Bob!


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