PSR’s 6 o’clock Friday News with the News behind the News and Much More…


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Trump Sends The Message, It’s Time, Define Renegade – X22 Report

Today’s Top Stories from

Easton Spectator

       ‘Connecting the dots

Justice Centre calls Ottawa vehicle ban on motorcycle convoy ‘unconstitutional’

EXCLUSIVE: Hundreds of CDC Employees Haven’t Received COVID-19 Vaccine

Open letter to Tucker Carlson: the real opioid story, by Jon Rappoport

Bob Kudla – The Destruction of the Old Economic System has begun, The [CB] has Failed

FDA Approves Remdesivir for Babies and Young Children to Treat COVID-19 – (Genocide)

All-party committee calls for BC to axe RCMP for provincial police force

Senator Rand Paul Says Biden Pushed Putin into Invading Ukraine by Promoting NATO

Biden’s Ministry of Truth – Taking a page from Mussolini and Orwell




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