Dori Monson wanted to coach Shorewood High girls basketball. His tweets did him in

Dori Monson stands with his 2016 Shorecrest High School girls Class 2A state championship team. Monson had sought to coach Shorewood High School starting this fall. (Courtesy of Dori Monson)


Seattle Times

October 27, 2021

Once again radio host Dori Monson finds himself embroiled in controversy. This time it’s with a local school district saying his views make him the wrong fit for a job coaching girls basketball.

Monson has a top-rated KIRO-FM afternoon talk show with listeners in that advertiser-friendly range adults 25-54. But plenty of others find it offensive.

Even for those who don’t listen to his show, his tweets on Seattle policies on homelessness, or the liberal politics he sees all around, go out into internet land.

Last year, Monson was accused of being transphobic in a tweet. The Seahawks yanked him from the team’s pre- and postgame radio shows. He disappeared from his show for 2½ weeks, returning by reading a 600-word apology and undergoing corporate sensitivity training.

Now, Monson says he thought he was going to be coaching the varsity girls basketball team this season at Shorewood High School in Shoreline. He’s spent 26 years in coaching, he says, a passion.

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  1. The Times again shows bias instead of responsible reporting. Nothing new for the Times and no surprise. They are a paper full of opinion writers not reporters.


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