Pattison lays off 40



Courtesy of Connie Thiessen of

Broadcast Dialogue

August 6, 2020


Jim Pattison Broadcast Group (JPBG) has announced that it’s laying off 40 staff at its stations and has offered early retirement packages to another 30 as it looks to minimize the impact of COVID-19 on its operations.

With the voluntary departures, the staff losses represent about a 10% reduction in the company’s workforce.

In a memo sent to staff Friday morning, President Rod Schween said for a company focused on growing positions, making staff reductions was an incredibly difficult decision. He cited second quarter revenues which came in at less than half 2019 earnings for the quarter.


Read More HERE


  1. People like Jim Pattison know very well Covid-19 is a HOAX, and so should all ‘free’ thinking people who belong to this organization, who should start thinking for themselves. Do your own investigating. If Pattison really wanted to put an end to this bizarre Fake News story, he has enough bucks to put a news team together and do a thorough investigation on the biggest scam in global history. As a born again Christian, which Jimmy claims to be, he should have the discernment between evil and good! So far he gets the failing grade of Minus F! Hope I’m wrong, but I doubt it… It’s not about a virus, it’s about compliance and control over the populace, driven by a spirit of FEAR.

    ‘For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.’ (2nd Timothy 1:7 KJV)
    We are in End times, so wake up people, and for those who know what is really happening, Shame on you who look the other way… your time is coming up. There is no escape when we stand before the Lord God of creation, of you and I and the entire world. WWG1WGA

  2. Interesting that Rogers hasn’t had a whole bunch of layoffs, unless I missed it.
    (Correct me if I’m wrong.)

    Either Rogers figured out how to run their ships without throwing sailors overboard, or they’re just late doing it…

  3. What’s more Schintz just pulled the plug at ‘NW. Announced it on a tweet, Only one professional voice left there and he’s been absent a lot lately.

  4. Headphone that’s because Rogers is already lean! There will be some fine tuning to come with all the companies. This isn’t over by a long shot.

  5. Bud

    Schintz was NO Saint by any means. He spewed the “Trumps Russian election meddling” BS everyday many times a day for 3 years like a good little Bolshevik.


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