CNN Host Calls Out Hollywood Leaders “Sitting in Your Mansions and Doing Nothing” Amid Protests


Jesse Grant/Getty Images for THR

Don Lemon said he had been receiving texts and tweets from famous faces who were afraid to “hurt [their] business” by speaking up.

Don Lemon called out Hollywood leaders and stars for inaction amid nationwide protests over the death of another unarmed black man in police custody during an emotional monologue on his Saturday show.

“What about Hollywood? Strangely quiet,” the CNN Tonight host said during a conversation with Rev. William Barber as the fifth night of protests over the death of George Floyd unfolded in Los Angeles, Washington, D.C., New York and other cities nationwide. As he screened footage of fires and looting in cities nationwide, Lemon continued, “I’ve seen them on Twitter, I see them, ‘Oh, I’m loving what Don Lemon’s doing’ … But they gotta do more than that.”

As for both black and white celebrities, he continued, “Why aren’t they helping these young people? These young people are out there standing on a platform at the edge of an abyss by themselves.”

Lemon noted that some boldfaced names had had texted him and tweeted at him saying that they liked his show or that they were distraught by the state of the nation. “Yes, I’m calling you out, and you can be mad at me all you want. And what they’re doing, you’re sitting there and watching TV and you’re b***tching abut it… Get on television or do something and help these young people instead of sitting in your mansions and doing nothing. And have some moral courage and stop worrying about your reputation and your brand. ”

The speech was a continuation of Lemon’s monologue, where he called on millionaires, billionaires, leaders and stars to lend their support to the many less powerful individuals involved in protests nationwide. He noted that many stars have told him they can’t come on his show to discuss the protests or other political matters because “I don’t want people to see me mad, it might hurt my business, I’m so upset I have to go to my country house.” The CNN host noted that Beyoncé had called for justice for George Floyd in an Instagram post. “You can’t?” he asked of other Hollywood figures.

Read more  HERE.


  1. So CNN is trying to activate the Hollywood crowd to rise up and act. To think that someone from the lunatic left wing media wants to stir up the lunatic left wing hollywood crowd does anyone see the strings being pulled on the don lemon puppet.
    Soros and company have embraced the never let a crisis go to waste. Millions of unemployed people with little to do with little hope are being manipulated by forces acting in their own best interest.
    I can hardly wait to see which of the Hollywood elite respond to this call to arms. Will they be downtown front and center trying bravely to diffuse a volatile situation? Or will they send recorded messages from behind fortified mansions?
    Lemon should be arrested for inciting a riot

  2. The George Floyd Execution was literally a crime against humanity and Justice should be swift for what appears to be now four former police . It really matters not what Floyd himself may have been involved in .

    Having said that I cannot understand how and why Don Le Mon survives at CNN, I have not seen or watched him in many years and he is really nothing but a despicable, arrogant, and full of self importance, “Race Pimp” .

    Surely his show must be one of the lowest rated cable programs on air .

  3. Both Don and that other arrogant Chris Cuomo are nothing but hacks. And it shows in their ratings. Their saving grace was the pandemic and an election year. What a buffoon. Why aren’t you calling out Nancy Pelosi and company or the lame governors, mayors and police chiefs of this states/cities being ravaged. Those elected leaders need to step up and run their jurisdictions


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