Glacier Media’s North Shore News Seeking Reader Donations


North Shore News readers, we need your support

by Peter Kvarnstrom (President, Community Media for Glacier Media)                                                                                    Published at the North Shore News website

Firstly, I want to start this column with a great big thank-you to all our advertisers and flyer customers who have continued to run their ads.

A second big call-out and thank you to the hundreds of readers who have made a direct financial contribution over the past three days.

Every advertisement and donation helps us not only from an operating cost perspective, but it also sends us a very direct message that what we do matters, everyday, and you are prepared to support our efforts. We remain 100 per cent committed to keeping our community updated at this critical time on all the regular community news, local initiatives to help our front-line workers, seniors and other heroic acts of selflessness, and especially how the COVID-19 pandemic is affecting us all locally and regionally.

Today, we here at the North Shore News are facing unprecedented challenges, as you all are. We have taken drastic efforts to curtail our expenses and all of our staff have taken part in one way or another. Every one of us has faced significantly reduced incomes and many are now temporarily laid off, as we grapple with very significant revenue loss from our advertisers.

Our operations have been 100 per cent funded by the local and regional businesses that have been buying access to our audience for 50 years. That model is terrifically challenged in today’s world, with nearly 50 per cent of all advertising now going to the duopoly of Facebook and Google. We as an industry are challenged to keep the lights on and keep Canadian journalists employed and doing their jobs, telling the stories and providing the facts that you all rely on us for.

We have now implemented an online donation mechanism on our website,, to make it easy for our supporters, readers and community members to support us with direct donations. Your contribution whether $5 a month or more significant will go to ensure our ability to continue to serve our communities here on the North Shore. Please consider the value that we add to your community and your own enjoyment of life here. We will continue to attend council meetings, attend the courts and tell compelling stories about your neighbourhood and the incredible people that make our community so special.

Read more  HERE.


  1. We did this several years ago to save the Delta Optimist here in Ladner/Tsawwassen in South worked.

  2. Did they receive part of Trudeau’s $600,000,000 bail out ?
    How much do they normally receive from all levels of governments ?
    The parent company Glacier Media is a publicly traded company on the Toronto exchange.

  3. Funny FN, but I was thinking the same, especially with their purchase of Castanet and the Kelowna radio station, if they had benefited from the slush fund of the Trudeau governments $600Million. Are my thoughts pure?

  4. This isn’t the same Glacier that owns Victoria’s Time Colonist? What a joke! This paper turned into a propaganda sheet. So Biased, it’s hard to believe. They run with the same narrative as msm goes. Oh yes, and they’re also Trump haters. That should say it all. Sadly the naive sheeple will come through with donations.

  5. Funny how the know it alls know nothing. Google’s Canadian revenue is $12 billion a year yet they pay nothing in taxes in Canada. Why is that? Businesses can write off Google and Facebook ads and get tax rebates when no taxes were paid by the companies. Instead of worrying about Canadian government supporting Canadian business why not ask why American businesses are not taxed in Canada and are destroying local content? The playing field is not level, why attack Canada supporting Canadian business? I guess you’d rather let facebook and google form your opinions for you, Russian interference is ok but Canadian support is not?

  6. Hey **@af***.con

    If you had the balls to at lest give us your real email, then I would consider publishing your comment

    Plus, what I require from you is a source/links to your claims

    just to let you know, we do not publish your email address

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  7. Glacier owns Castanet for sure. It was well publicized and they paid $22-Million for it. Glacier has owned it since April 1, 2019 so just over a year.

    Apparently Glacier’s deal to buy Castanet’s radio station did fall through though and Nick Frost who still owned it declared the radio station bankrupt two weeks ago and it is now off the air.

    Castanet appears to be on hard times now too (hard to believe since they were worth $22-Million just a year ago) and like the other Glacier outlets are asking the Average Joe to donate their hard earned cash to save local news.

    Local media is suddenly an even sadder state of affairs.


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