Alex Trebek May Need to Leave Jeopardy Due to Cancer Complications


“I’m 79 years old. So, hey, I’ve lived a good life, a full life, and I’m nearing the end of that life. I know that.”

  • In September, Jeopardy host Alex Trebek announced that despite previously being in near remission from his pancreatic cancer, he had to undergo chemotherapy again.
  • He told CTV News on Friday that he may need to leave Jeopardy before his contract ends because of health complications.
  • “I will keep doing it as long as my skills do not diminish, and they have started to diminish,” Trebek said.

Jeopardy host and general TV icon Alex Trebek revealed in March that he had been diagnosed with stage 4 pancreatic cancer. Since then, Trebek, who has been at the center of the game show since 1984, has been undergoing treatments to “beat the low survival rate statistics,” he said. While he’s been open about his battle, and his determination to fight the disease, he shared with CTV News on October 4 that he may have to leave Jeopardy due to health complications.

Trebek, 79, explained that he’s developed mouth sores from his chemotherapy that make it difficult for him to articulate.

“I’m sure there are observant members of the television audience that notice also, but they’re forgiving,” Trebek said. “But there will come a point when they will no longer be able to say, ‘It’s okay.'”

“I will keep doing it as long as my skills do not diminish, and they have started to diminish,” Trebek, whose contract runs until 2020, said.

Read more HERE.


  1. Saw Lisa LaFlamme’s interview with Alex Trebek a week or so ago. He seemed quite stoic about his future and I applaud him for his professionalism. I was surprised at Ms. LaFlamme’s lack of warmth and empathy. It was the first time I’d seen her interview someone so perhaps it was a one off but she came across (at least to me) as detached and cold.


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