Calvin To Leaving CHEK


July 24, 2019

It’s not clear if he jumped or he was pushed, but we’re told that Calvin To (rhymes with “TOE”) worked his last CHEK newscast as an anchor last Sunday.

After graduating from Ryerson in 2012, and interning with CTV Saskatoon and CBC Toronto, Calvin’s first paid reporting post was with CTV Toronto.   He moved to Global in Saskatoon in Feb. 2015 where he reported news for the morning show, before crossing the street to the local CTV station. In November of 2016 he was hired for weekend anchor duties at CHEK, and reported stories during the week.

Calvin hasn’t publically mentioned a new job, so perhaps he’s still seeking it.  There have been some other changes since the recent arrival at CHEK of News Director Scott Fee, so possibly this is just another one.



  1. Not happy with recent new additions to the CHEK News team. And am especially disappointed at losing Calvin To. What the heck is going on?

  2. Urgh! Not happy about this. I liked Calvin and his presentation style. His sometimes goofy awkward jokes were part of his charm. We’ve also lost Ceilidh Millar and Ben O’Hara Byrne recently. Not a fan of the new set, theme music or Joe Perkins either. CHEK, don’t try to be something you’re not. Hey, Scott Fee (news director), people don’t like radical change.

  3. Way too much US weird news stories , try to stay local, welcome Joe, what happened to mr Byrne , Calvin seems like a nice guy but he should try something different, wrong spelling , but a real shame to have lost Cayley miller , keep on trucking Ed , Kevin’s great on the sports

  4. Sorry to hear Calvin is no longer with CHEK, thought he was on vacation. Hope he finds a good position with another TV news outlet. Good luck, Calvin!

  5. Absolutely do not like what you have done to what used to be Vancouver Island News. If I wanted to watch world news, I would watch the 6 o’clock news. I have always watched to see what is going on on our island. So sad you have spoiled that and have eliminated some of the former news anchors. You are going against everything that helped CHEK news to survive years ago – so sad.

  6. Calvin To wasn’t kidnapped by aliens or made to walk the ex-broadcaster’s plank. He’s changing careers and enrolled in law school.

  7. I miss Ben and Ceilidh. I wish Stacy Ross would let Ed Bayne talk. he always has a funny quip to make and you can’t hear him because she talks through it. It isn’t just about you Stacy. I like the onscreen improvements, meaning that everyone is dressed more appropriately and more businesslike. The background screen is attractive.

  8. Come on Scott. Kori! She can’t read to save her soul. What a mess you have made. Tell her to slow down, smile about a quarter of what she is doing, and don’t try so hard. What a joke you are making of a station we would like to see go forward.

  9. Not happy with changes made to Chek- the weekend anchor Kori is so very hard to listen to for a whole broadcast. Not a pleasant presentation. Chek is going Downhill it seems., losing a lot of veterans and talented newscasters. And the new screen is horrible to watch- take a look at Global and CTV Vancouver and follow their lead – much more professional –


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