Edmonton Radio PPMs – Nov. 26th – Feb 24th 2019


Demographic: A12+ Daypart: Monday to Sunday 2am-2am

Geography: Edmonton CTRL

Data type: Respondent

Station         Format       AMA       Daily Cume    Share  (%)       ShareTrend

CKRA               Breeze            6.0                131.5                 9.5                       +2.4

CKNO                 Now             5.9                170.4                  9.3                       -0.7

CBX                  Rad 1              5.1                  86.5                   8.1                      -.08

CHED            Newstalk         5.0                   91.7                   7.8                     -0.9

CISN              Country           4.8                  107.6                  7.5                     -1.0

CIUP                 up!                 3.7                    97.0                  5.8                    +0.7

CFBR                Bear               3.4                    94.4                  5.4                     -0.2

CFCW             Country           3.4                    32.6                  5.4                     +0.2

CHDI                Sonic              3.1                  102.0                   4.8                    -0.8

CHBN               KiSS               3.0                  106.0                   4.7                    +0.3

CKEA                Cruz               2.8                    64,3                    4.4                   +0.8

CIRK                  K-97              2.6                    77.0                    4.2                   +0.7

CKNG               Chuck             2.2                   1004                    3.4                   +0.8

CFMG               Virgin             1.9                     92.2                    3.0                   +0.3

CJNW                 HOT              1.9                     96.3                    3.0                   +0.5

CFRN                   TSN              1.8                     37.4                    2.9                    -0.1

CKUA                 Variety           1.5                     25.0                    2.3                    -1.3

CHQT                 news               1.1                      33.7                    1.8                    -0.3

CBXFM               Rad2            0.8                       19.7                    1.2                    +0.4


Spill Station: CFCW (Edmonton/Camrose)

Average Minute Audience (000): Expressed in thousands, this is the average number of persons exposed to a radio station during an average minute. Calculated by adding all the individual minute audiences together and dividing by the number of minutes in the daypart.
Average Daily Cume (000): Expressed in thousands, this is the average number of unique listeners who were exposed to the station for at least one minute during an average day. Calculated by adding the number of unique listeners each day and dividing it by the number of days in the analysis.
Share: Within a central market area, the estimated total hours tuned to that station expressed as a percentage of total hours tuned to Total Encoded Radio.
Average Daily Universe: The average daily universe for the analyzed period. The universe is expressed as daily averages because it changes slightly daily as the intab changes.





  1. WOW!! Congratulations to Sean Burke and the rest of the crew over at The Breeze. I guess that format change was long over due. Much more relaxing and it appears that Edmonton has noticed & listened.

  2. This also had something to do with playing Christmas music throughout the whole month of December. The Breeze only launched Boxing Day, so the numbers are deceiving . It should be interesting to see what the numbers look like next book. Sad that a major market station has only one “live show” . We’ll see how the next book reflects this. Remember Harvard’s Lite 95.7? They tried to do the same thing with no talent and it failed.


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