CNN Sues White House Over Jim Acosta Press Pass Suspension

Al Drago – Pool/Getty
Donald Trump gets into an exchange with CNN reporter Jim Acosta

“If left unchallenged, the actions of the White House would create a dangerous chilling effect for any journalist who covers elected officials,” CNN said of the decision to suspend Acosta’s “hard pass.”

In the most dramatic action yet in the ongoing feud between the media and the White House, CNN filed suit on Tuesday to reverse the Trump administration’s decision last Wednesday to suspend chief White House correspondent Jim Acosta’s “hard pass,” which grants access to the building. The news was broken on CNN’s airwaves.

“CNN filed a lawsuit against the Trump administration in D.C. District Court,” the network said in a statement. “It demands the return of the White House credentials of CNN’s chief White House correspondent, Jim Acosta. The wrongful revocation of these credentials violates CNN and Acosta’s First Amendment rights of freedom of the press, and their Fifth Amendment rights to due process.”

CNN continued: “We have asked this court for an immediate restraining order requiring the pass to be returned to Jim, and will seek permanent relief as part of this process. While the suit is specific to CNN and Acosta, this could have happened to anyone. If left unchallenged, the actions of the White House would create a dangerous chilling effect for any journalist who covers elected officials.”

The lawsuit was filed against President Trump, White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders, former Fox News executive Bill Shine (who runs communications), chief of staff General John Kelly, the director of the Secret Service (which took Acosta’s pass) and an unidentified Secret Service agent.



  1. Apparently, it WAS left unchecked during the Obama administration. But he was a “democrat of colour” so he was deemed untouchable.

  2. Acosta caused the trouble to start with by behaving petulantly during the conference (i.e. making antagonistic statements instead of asking questions), refusing to give up the mic when asked to and then assaulting the White House staffer to tried to take it from him, so his employer/enabler CNN has no grounds for that frivolous suit they’re filing.

  3. Anyone can see and hear that Acosta overplayed his hand and he in fact exposed himself for what he really is, a Grandstanding Egotistical Mysoginist.

    This will more than likely not go to Court but if it did I would like to think that the Judge would consider the Evidence and Rule of Law.

    CNN has many more Reporters that have WH Security Clearance, send them to The White House.

    I think it is shameful that Press Association is playing Politics with this.

    Again, what if “O” was President and Reporter was a Fox Employee Playing Keep Away with Microphone with Female Intern?

    Totally different reaction all the way around.

  4. Good to see that Fox is supporting this legal challenge. The consensus opinion so far from experts is that CNN has solid footing in this case.


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