Emmy Awards TV Ratings Fall to All-Time Low (US)

by Rick Porter, The Hollywood Reporter      Sept. 18 2018

Kevin Winter/Getty
Emmy hosts Colin Jost and Michael Che


  1. Should we be surprised?

    I honestly do not believe that Elite and Not So Elite Hollywood Types Care anything about Low Ratings.

    Nothing will phase them and nothing will gain their attention until they begin to feel it in their Bank Accounts.

    The question is this.

    Are we the Great Unwashed willing to send those Elites and Not So Elites a message by not attending Movies, not watching TV, no Streaming, no attending Events etc.?

    “Well are Ya Punk” ?

  2. All these award shows have become too political…blah blah blah.

    Every ‘movement’ under the sun wanting us peons to accept & buy into their cause or be deemed racist, homophobic, or whatever whatever….

    Yes BMCQ, this punk does’t stream, hasn’t been to movies for a couple of years….but I do have an awesome Man Cave….

  3. Bag Guy

    I am much the same, even having trouble with the NFL Knee thing.

    It would be nice to take Politics out of Sports and other Entertainment!!!

  4. I remember years ago when Sacheen Littlefeather was accepting an Academy Award for Marlon Brando and she was giving a speech about American Indian issues etc etc. She was practically booed off the stage.

    Boy, how times have changed.

  5. And the Radical Leftists (COUGH – CKNW simi VACCINE sara, Gord NWO Mac, Terry FAKE NEWS Schintz COUGH) continue with their 9 minutes per hour of talk radio……

  6. As uninterested in the ENDLESS array of awards shows, as I already am Ill be damned if Im going to tune in and have to listen to some spoiled actor/actress/musician/etc tell anti Trump stories.
    These people are lucky enough to get paid to pretend. If they had a clue what went on in the real world they might understand why Trump got elected. Yes he got elected. He did not overthrow anyone. Think about it Clooney Close and the rest of you “elites”. Trump was voted into the office of President of the United States of America by ordinary people. Every time one of you spoiled brats attack DJT you are attacking millions of Americans. Perhaps they might save $20 and wait till your flick comes on TV.


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