One of America’s All Time Great & Most Fun Radio Stations – KYYX-FM in Seattle


by Sparky Taft

July 23, 2018

KYYX-FM was my friend, Pat O’Day‘s brain child in the early 1980’s. “New Wave” music, top air personalities, massively big client promotions, an unlimited hydroplane, limousines and much more. I am proud that I was a major part of the advertising success of this awesome radio station. There hasn’t been a radio station like it since and probably won’t be – it truly was one-of-a-kind.

We did numerous HUGE client promotions including what was, at the time (and since!) probably the biggest auto promotion in the entire country, “Car Wars” that drew over 5,000 people; we did the biggest promotion for Coca-Cola products in Pacific Northwest Coca-Cola history – a promotion so successful, the Coca-Cola company based in Atlanta sent a film crew to Seattle to make a video to distribute to Coca-Cola bottlers all over the country; promotion for Olympia Beer with “Super Only”, a customized “Batmobile” type vehicle with a costumed “Super Oly” character that made appearances throughout the greater Seattle area – and KYYX-FM was credited for helping to make Olympia Beer the #1 selling beer product in the Puget Sound area. The client promotions were HUGE, impressive and ground breaking in marketing and client promotions!!!

KYYX-FM was truly a FUN, exciting and one-of-a-kind radio station. Thanks, Pat O’Day!






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