‘Roseanne’ Cancelled by ABC After Ms. Barr’s Racist Tweets


Network pulls Barr’s revived show and calls racist tweets towards ex-Obama adviser Valerie Jarrett ‘abhorrent and repugnant’

 Roseanne Barr arrives at the Los Angeles premiere of “Roseanne” on Friday in Burbank, Calif. Photograph: Jordan Strauss/Invision/AP


Roseanne Barr has seen her revived sitcom cancelled after online outrage over a racist and Islamophobic tweet that attacked former Obama White House adviser Valerie Jarrett.

The sitcom star falsely alleged that Jarrett, who was born in Iran to American parents, has connections to the Muslim Brotherhood, and compared her to an ape. Barr wrote “Muslim brotherhood & planet of the apes had a baby=vj,” using Jarrett’s initials.

Barr, one of Donald Trump’s most high-profile supporters, apologized for the post shortly afterwards and announced she’d be quitting Twitter. She also deleted the tweet.

ABC Entertainment president Channing Dungey said in a statement: “Roseanne’s Twitter statement is abhorrent, repugnant and inconsistent with our values, and we have decided to cancel her show.”

Barr was replying to a post from a user that accused Jarrett, a long-serving adviser to the president, of covering up the Obama administration’s alleged “misdeeds”.

When a Twitter user told Barr that her tweet was offensive and racist – Jarrett is African American – Barr responded by writing: “Muslims r NOT a race.”

Shortly after, Barr reiterated her stance in another post: “ISLAM is not a RACE, lefties. Islam includes EVERY RACE of people.”

Eventually, Barr apologized. She wrote: “I apologize to Valerie Jarrett and to all Americans. I am truly sorry for making a bad joke about her politics and her looks. I should have known better. Forgive me – my joke was in bad taste.”



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  1. RADICAL LEFT – shooting/decapitating/bombing the White House/President Trump – A OK

    The Right………calling Obama and his minions names…… YOUR FIRED

  2. I saw a picture of Whoopie Goldberg wearing a t-shirt that had a picture of Trump shooting himself in the head with the caption “Make America Great Again, and yet she’s still on tv?

  3. This is not the first racist tweet/comment she’s aimed Obama aides. Barr must not be too bright and/or her racism so embedded, that she forgot her boss, the President of ABC Entertainment, is an African-American woman.

  4. I feel sorry for the rest of the cast and crew who have now lost the paycheques they would have received for season 2 through no fault of their own.

  5. Please. Valerie Jarrett wasn’t even her name in 1977. She was born Valerie Bowman and married William Jarrett in 1983. At least photoshop the date so it looks plausible.

  6. From the same network that dropped Last Man Standing. If ABC doesnt want any right wing themed TV shows then why do they waste peoples time and money?
    Maybe Roseanne wil wind up on another network.

  7. The Whoopi shirt is a well-known photoshopped fake, surprised people are using that as an example. https://ca.news.yahoo.com/angry-whoopi-goldberg-upset-photoshopped-image-wearing-vulgar-shirt-212227601.html. I thought everyone in this site was vigilant about Fake News?

    Regardless of what anyone else said, did or wore, Barr deserved to be fired.

    13 – they put the show on the air, so they obviously wanted it. It wasn’t the show’s politics, it was the eponymous star’s racism that was the problem. The fact that ratings had dropped significantly likely made the decision easier.

  8. Never saw Barr other than perhaps walking pat a TV, never could figure out why she was supposed to be funny, saw the News Report of her National Anthem effort and immediately disliked her.

    I did not see the recently produced show but I was aware it was popular and well received with many so she obviously rates and rated with a lot of viewers and I bet many that were watching now that were not necessarily Republican ?Conservatives, that is what Comedy should be about.

    The recent comments were a big mistake and I do not think ABC had much of a choice, the apology was too little, too late, and even worse she could “Not Turn Back Time”.

    Having said all of that I must agree there is sickenly enough ALWAYS a Double Standard against anyone that happens to be Conservative/Republican and no one in Media other than Fox points that out. Just look at CNN, any of the other Alphabet Networks, The Deck is always stacked against Conservative Supporters. The best example is MSNBC Joy Reid and the Woman from ESPN who are Haters yet they are rarely held accountable. Then of course there is Don Lemon with CNN who is also a Hater and never lets the Truth get in the way of a Good Anti-Trump Story.

    Former Big Talker and Republican Hater Keith Oblerman seemed to be held to account and it in fact hurt his career but he is one of the few.

    Did not see the T Shirt but I am not surprised, I could only imagine the Fallout if Clint Eastwood or Tom Selleck wore a similar Obama T Shirt! YIKES!! There would be Hell to Pay and Careers would be ended.

    After hearing the latest from Barr on the News today I would suggest she Burn Her Twitter Machine and then Cut a sizeable to Her Co Stars and Production Stafff for Income Lost and then check into a Wellness Centre somewhere. It appears she has lost a grip.

  9. Sure are a number of conservatives reading this column. Roseanne crossed the line, is an out and out racist. ABC made the right move, period. I dont care about this rich pensioner who thinks she can get away with anything. I care about the up to 100 people who are hired to work on a series. When you work in the public eye, there is a responsibility that goes along with it. This so-called actress should just go away and pass peacefully in her own little narrow unfunny mind.

  10. Robert Wilson

    This “RACIST” BS is just that………BS. Brown people are spewing racist vomit everyday with their double stds like “#igga” 50 times in song lyrics and going on and on and on about”White Privilege”…..which by definition is RACIST.

    This is why the Radical Left is losing so bad…..they are a bunch of hypocritical bafoons.

  11. @ Zebb:

    The Left say far worse things (and are always intentional in their comments), yet their fellow liberals have nothing to say about it and always give them a free pass (as you’re doing now) – and that says plenty about liberal hypocrisy.

  12. For sure there is more than enough evidence every day in the Media about Leftist, Elite, Liberal, Progressive, Hypocrisy.

    I honestly believe that each and every time The Clinton News Network (CNN) MSNBC, or any of the Alphabet Networks slide into the Gutter and vilify anything Conservative they actually help Free Enterprises Push Back against what those Socilist Left Wing Progressives are trying to sell the masses.

    As one wise Woman once said, “Socialism Wotks Great Until You Run Out of Other People’s Money”!

  13. Why is that directed at me? Where did I say this is the worst.

    Roseanne already admitted it is racist, so not sure why people are arguing otherwise.

    Any comment on the three posters who all cited a photoshopped meme in their arguments? I don’t see any mea culpas on that one. Talk about embarrassing.

  14. @ Zebb:

    It’s directed at you because you choose to defend, excuse and say nothing about what the Left does while you claim to be a “true conservative” (which, based on your comments, you most certainly are not). Your original post and its follow-up on this thread only serve to prove my point.

    As for “Whoopee!”, Photoshopped shirt or no, she gets targeted for justified criticism because of the liberal views she holds and for what she says on The View and what she does in public (like at the Women’s March where that photo of her with the shirt as it originally appeared – with the Nasty Woman slogan – was first taken). Let that sink in for however long it takes.

  15. So the Goldberg shirt is fake but it still counts against her, but you hate fake news.

    Simple question: did she wear the shirt, yes or no?

    Follow up question: if her behaviour is repugnant regardless, why lie and spread fabrications? Great way to erode credibility.

    Anyone who relied on that meme is a fraud and an embarrassment. Period.

    You claim to be a true conservative but you want Facebook controlled the same as a government entity. Facebook doesn’t owe you the First Amendment or free speech. Just like this website that moderates and curates content as it is free to do.

    The thread is about Roseanne. She is repugnant and her tweets exposed that. I am allowed to comment on that without having to do a “whatabout a fake shirt” caveat. She deserved to be fired. That statement is wholly devoid of any comment in any other person -liberal, conservative or fake news conservative like you.

    Explain, and quote directly, where I defended the left? Please don’t cite where I corrected the fake news that Tommy R was sentenced the day of his arrest.

  16. @ Zebb:

    “So the Goldberg shirt is fake but it still counts against her, but you hate fake news.” – You defend what CNN, BSNBC, CBC and so many other liberal media outlets spout (which is all fake news where politics and the liberal sacred cows are concerned) at every opportunity, even if it’s implicitly. Enough said on that.

    “Follow up question: if her behaviour is repugnant regardless, why lie and spread fabrications? Great way to erode credibility.” – The liberal media does that all the time (lie and spread fabrications and erode its own credibility in doing so), yet you give them a pass by saying nothing about it while you attack conservative media. What does that tell you?

    “Anyone who relied on that meme is a fraud and an embarrassment. Period.” – And yet you give a free pass to the liberal media who have done far worse – which says plenty about you.

    “You claim to be a true conservative but you want Facebook controlled the same as a government entity. Facebook doesn’t owe you the First Amendment or free speech. Just like this website that moderates and curates content as it is free to do.” – So now you’re trying to twist previous arguments made by others to suit yours? And BTW, don’t go putting words in my mouth that I never said – it was (and still is) YOU claiming to be a “true conservative” while you spout liberal talking points, defend all things near and dear to liberals (including their attacks on freedom of speech except when convenient to them, which you’re defending for them even now) and make excuses for them and give them free passes on their behavior while you attack conservatives and what they stand for (including free speech).

    “The thread is about Roseanne. She is repugnant and her tweets exposed that.” – And she apologized for that ill-advised (and not as well worded as it should’ve been) tweet criticizing Valerie Jarrett and her politics, yet she’s getting roasted over the coals for that while liberals who’ve said and done worse keep getting free passes from their fellow liberals in the media (which you’re showing you’re okay with) – which only goes to show liberal hypocrisy (including your own).

    “I am allowed to comment on that without having to do a “whatabout a fake shirt” caveat.” – Did you ever stop to think that the Photoshop job done on the shirt was done as a rib against Whoopi Goldberg and her politics? Think about that.

    “That statement is wholly devoid of any comment in any other person -liberal, conservative or fake news conservative like you.” – Just so you know, there’s no such thing as a “fake news conservative” because conservatives don’t do fake news – but liberals definitely do and you have no problem with that, which shows where your loyalties really lie.

    “Explain, and quote directly, where I defended the left? Please don’t cite where I corrected the fake news that Tommy R was sentenced the day of his arrest.” – In this thread, for starters – then there’s the Tommy Robinson thread, the Kanye West thread, the Fakebook censorship of all conservative content thread – shall I continue? Denying that you defend the Left at every opportunity while attacking conservatives (and claiming to be a “true conservative” all the while) does not make it untrue.

  17. Quote specifically where I have taken liberal positions.

    Apparently being a believer in free speech makes me a liberal?

    How is correcting falsehoods liberal?

    What in the Tommy R thread is liberal – there was a clear misrepresentation of the facts that I corrected without political comments.

    Do you, as a conservative, want the government to force radio stations to play Kanye? How as a conservative do you not respect the rights of a private business to make their own decisions?

    So the Whoopi shirt you acknowledge as fake, but using it as fake news is fine. If it is a “rib” why does everyone above cite it as true? If it’s a rib why didn’t you say that at first? You are making it up. It’s a fake news meme and anyone who cites it to defend Roseanne, which is logically misguided, has no credibility. Period.

    This means you can never criticize anything as fake news again. A true conservative, a Reagan conservative, has principles. You can’t pick and choose your positions based on whose ox is getting gored.

    Here is another tip: whether the reaction to Roseanne is disproportionate, which is possible, just acknowledge the tweet was racist and she deserved to get fired. Sometimes you need to concede a point to look reasonable. She has had the full protection of the first amendment, which I support.

  18. @ Zebb:

    “Quote specifically where I have taken liberal positions.” – Try doing your own dirty work instead of expecting others to do it for you.

    “Apparently being a believer in free speech makes me a liberal?” – Only supporting free speech when it’s convenient to liberals while demanding it be denied to conservatives (as you’ve been doing in your other posts), and even denying that free speech issues are free speech issues to suit your argument, are what make you a liberal.

    “How is correcting falsehoods liberal?” – Correcting falsehoods that liberals (like you) spout on a constant basis is not “liberal”, it’s called setting facts straight.

    “What in the Tommy R thread is liberal – there was a clear misrepresentation of the facts that I corrected without political comments.” – Which is a lie because you corrected nothing. You claimed that Tommy Robinson was “not sentenced”, even though he was (and in short order), by a kangaroo court seeking to silence the truth from him about the Islamic rape gangs being sentenced for their crimes. Denying the truth as you did does not make it untrue.

    “Do you, as a conservative, want the government to force radio stations to play Kanye? How as a conservative do you not respect the rights of a private business to make their own decisions?” – Do you want Democrats to force radio stations to reinstate the Fairness Doctrine (which was “fair” only to liberals and kept talk radio off the airwaves for the most part until the doctrine’s repeal by Ronald Reagan in 1987)?

    “So the Whoopi shirt you acknowledge as fake, but using it as fake news is fine. If it is a “rib” why does everyone above cite it as true? If it’s a rib why didn’t you say that at first? You are making it up. It’s a fake news meme and anyone who cites it to defend Roseanne, which is logically misguided, has no credibility. Period.” – Your constant defence, justification, minimalization, excusing and denial of the things liberals deliberately say and do (as you’re doing even now) while attacking conservatives for a simple mistake is what’s logically misguided and gives you no credibility – and there’s nothing made up about that.

    “This means you can never criticize anything as fake news again.” – You don’t get to decide that here.

    “A true conservative, a Reagan conservative, has principles.” – Which you’re not and which you don’t have, so don’t pretend that you do because you’ll only get called out on it.

    “You can’t pick and choose your positions based on whose ox is getting gored.” – Yet that’s exactly what you’re doing yourself. Better be careful about accusing others of that of which you are guilty yourself.

    “Here is another tip: whether the reaction to Roseanne is disproportionate, which is possible, just acknowledge the tweet was racist and she deserved to get fired.” – As I told you before, the tweet was not worded as properly as it could’ve been, but the gist of it was Roseanne’s criticism of Valerie Jarrett and her policies under Obama. You’re the one trying to see “racism” where there is none – and that is a liberal trait.

    “She has had the full protection of the first amendment, which I support.” – Only when it’s convenient to liberals like yourself.

  19. severed heads, a national network that still hasnt come to grips with HRC losing the election. The list of injustices committed by the left is endless.
    Ms Barr crossed the line and got what “she” deserved. Sadly the costars and production crews did not get what they deserved. A steady paycheck. Im no lawyer but Ms Barrs reckless, tasteless, racist, behavior has cost many people a lot of money.


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