Gord Tupper, Dana Hutchings Reuniting to Cover Parade .. NOT for CHEK


Seems the Victoria Buzz website will be streaming live via Facebook the annual Island Farms Victoria Day Parade later this month, challenging the longtime CHEK monopoly on the event with two of their own best commentators.

Recently retired Gordie Tupper and his co-host on CHEK parade coverage for a decade or so Dana Hutchings have been brought back from the sidelines to center stage by the people behind the ambitious young website.

Produced by Roll.Focus. Productions through the Greater Victoria Festival Society, the broadcast will utilize multiple high definition cameras to offer a crystal clear view of the downtown core as it buzzes with excitement.

Will be interesting to see how much of a dent Victoria Buzz can make in the usual large CHEK viewership for the annual event.   It all happens from 9 to noon local time on May 21st.

We also heard from Rob Germain at CHEK,

CHEK will be broadcasting live and streaming the Island Farms Victoria Day Parade. CHEK has broadcast the parade for the past 60 years.
Our hosts again this year, will be Stacy Ross, Ed Bain, Jeff King and Ceilidh Millar.


  1. Will Mr Floatie be in the parade?
    Yes folks Victoria still dumps its raw sewage
    into the ocean – love those BC shellfish – not!

  2. I heard that the CHEK people wanted too much money to carry the parade. Just like real broadcasters who bid on popular events and sell ads to make a profit….. except opposite.

    Ed. Note: CHEK is also broadcasting and streaming the Parade. This is a big deal for them annually.

  3. Well comparing tht two….. Dana and Gordie will do very well…. And CHEK may have to be carful if the price them self out….. Then CTV2 can come in an d take it over.

  4. Just to clear up the mis-information, CHEK has always produced the broadcast at their own cost with the support of community minded advertisers.

  5. No Rosenkrantz that is not the case. CHEK has held the parade volunteer people hostage over their sponsor dollars and insisted that they get a share. Only when the kids on the block showed up did they change their ways.


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