College Calls Police On Student Who Said ‘Tranny’ On Radio



November 22, 2017 in News by RBN

A university called the police on a student who used the word “tranny” on radio, kicking him and his co-host out of the studio, according to a Friday video.

The unnamed manager of the student radio station at University of Minnesota-Morris told the student co-hosts to leave the station, asserting that they had violated Federal Communications Commission (FCC) policy, but the university has since changed its stated reasoning behind the students’ suspension, reported The College Fix.

“You know, you can definitely, you see one tranny that’s trying to punch someone,” Brandon Albrecht, a UMM student, said on-air. “You know it’s automatically that one guy that you know I’m talking about. I bet you know. I’m not going to dox anybody and name them on air. But you two know if I say the tranny who looks like he’s going to punch someone. Yep.”

Albrecht used the term while discussing the lack of Antifa violence at his school with co-host Taylor Lehmann on their radio program “Deplorable Radio.”

Albrecht asserted that the station manager came approximately 15 minutes later with a police officer to kick them off air, while speaking with The College Fix.

Read Much More HERE



  1. Assuming he didn’t incite violence against the transgendered, this chap seems to be the victim of bureaucratic overkill, not to mention possible false arrest. It’s getting to the point that parents of aspiring college/university students should research how many suppressions of free speech a particular institution has committed or condoned. Then fork over tuition fees to the school that has the best record of supporting free speech.

  2. Once upon a time universities were bastions of free speech. Ever since the PC left wing whackos have taken over in unison with all levels of government doing their best to socially engineer us all into becoming brain dead enviro supporters university has become a bastion of communism. Its pathetic that they now routinely ban speakers from college campuses.
    I would be ashamed to attend one of these institutions of higher learning. With all of our educators pushing these agendas in their classrooms it wont take long for a generation of grads that havent got a clue how to survive in the real world. Come to think of it that time has already come. Makes me sick to think about it.

  3. BTW when it comes to putting a lid on free speech we dont have to find a university. All we need to do is look at what is happening over at the black tower. First it was putting an end to comments on their web page. Drex stood up for this claiming something about peole livivng in their moms basement. I call BS. It was the program directors move to curtail any dissent from listeners that dont buy into his left wing anti trump anti bc liberal bias.Next inovation was the buzz line. This stifles any on air live callers that might have an idea that once again doesnt jive with the PDs agenda. The fact that both of these moves save man hours at NW likely plays a part in the do less with less motto at NW. The big 5 every 1/2 hour. Really? Every show host referencing the prior shows interviews . Playing EDITED to change the meaning of buzz line recordings. Ask me how I know that? If I leave a buzz line message I often give them permission to edit my statement to fir their needs. Add to this the endless anti BC Liberal shtick and the PDs mission is a success.

  4. Rocker


    I agree wholeheartedly with your comments.

    I always thought Universities were institutions of higher learning, research, and teaching meant to encourage an exchange of ideas and opinions to prepare Students for their Future in whichever Direction and Occupation they wish to pursue.

    The over the top Political Correctness Perverts our Society and the ability of our younger generations to think for themselves.

    As to CKNDP (NW)?

    Your analysis is very accurate, the NW Management/PD are turning their backs on the very Demographic that has the ability to purchase Roofs, Sidewalks, BMW, Mercedes, Appliances, Fireplaces, House Repairs, Cruises, Funeral Services for older parents, and the rest those over 40 are in a position to afford and actually need to pursue Millennials that really have absolutely no interest or need for those listed and a lot more.

    I wonder how long It will be before NW Advertisers figure that out?


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