Trump Ups War of Words with Arnold: ‘He Was a Bad Governor Too’


by , |                February 3, 2017


Donald Trump continued his feud with former California Governor and current star of “The New Celebrity Apprentice” Arnold Schwarzenegger on Friday, tweeting that he isn’t good at either of the jobs.

Trump’s dig at the NBC reality show’s ratings during Thursday morning’s National Prayer Breakfast made national news, as it was bizarre timing for a personal shot.

Schwarzenegger responded fast, posting a video in which he asked to switch gigs.

“Hey Donald, I have a great idea. Why don’t we switch jobs? You take over TV, because you’re such an expert in ratings, and I take over your job and then people can finally sleep comfortably again,” Schwarzenegger said.

“The New Celebrity Apprentice” ratings hit a season low on Jan. 23 when the show averaged a 1.0 rating in the key adults 18-49 demographic and 3.8 million viewers during its 8-10 p.m. time slot on NBC. That is down just under 16 percent in the key demo and just under 12 percent in total viewers compared to last week, when the show had actually improved from the week before.



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