The future of radio: Seven important trends
By the editors of Media Life
Originally Published: December 27, 2016
This is one in a number of stories on radio in Media Life’s ongoing series “The new face of radio in America,” examining all the changes taking place in the medium. Click here for earlier stories.
Below, through the link are some of the most important of those changes, based in insights by various media forecasters and analysts and media buyers, and the Media Life radio advisory panel.
1) The collapse of Big Radio.
Radio is a local medium and is most efficiently managed locally. Large players may reap efficiencies of scale but are very difficult to manage. Cases in point: IHeart and Cumulus, the two largest, are struggling under debt and are on the verge of collapse. They will be broken up, their stations sold off to small, locally managed radio operators.
Read the next six points, HERE