40 Year Victoria Broadcaster Steve Duffy and C-FAX Part Company


Steve Duffy's Profile Photo, Image may contain: 1 person

He was on the air this morning, but word is it was his last shift at Bell Media’s C-FAX AM1070 Victoria.    Steve Duffy, whose 40-year career in Victoria radio had left him with a salary near the top of the list, has been advised his services are no longer needed.

Steve came to CKDA AM 1220 in the late 1970’s, doing sports fulltime. In 1995 he was one of just three employees who went with the sale of the transmitter to OK Radio’s CKXM and 100.3 the Q.  He was let go in the early 2000’s, and has been a member of the C-FAX newsroom for about the past decade.   For much of that time Steve has been the number two voice on the Al Ferraby breakfast show, covering the sports and the headlines twice an hour, as well as contributing a daily sports comment.

Whether Steve’s termination is part of another wave of Bell downsizing is not clear.  Other recent changes at C-FAX News include the fulltime hiring of radio news veteran Kim Emerson to do the morning news, the appointment of former morning anchor Ryan Price to the News Director’s position, and the addition of Kamloops radio veteran Sandy Bell to the newsroom staff.


  1. Just curious, how much would a salary at the top of the list in Victoria would be? Sorry to see someone Let go potentially over money.

  2. Worked with Duff in the 80’s, knew his sports. One of the last people on CFAX who could speak coherently.

    Kim Emerson, in my view is as exciting as paint drying and has a delivery to match. Will he now surrender his alleged job as a Real Estate Agent?

    Ryan Price, I am advised, is very intelligent. I am sure it is true, but he can’t deliver a newscast worth a damn so far as I heave heard.

    Did they keep that poor lad who can’t pronounce “News” or the other fella who reads every ‘cast as though he just walked in the door 5 seconds before the red light went on and was handed cold copy?

    It seems CFAX steadfastly and determinedly rids itself of competency in favour of the direct opposite.

    News authority? Hah!

  3. Getting tired of reading about good friends getting the hook and in Steve’s case I mean good friend!
    Really sorry to hear this Steve

  4. Steve Duffy is the best! His unique voice , in many ways, defines the CFAX sound. And he is very loyal to Victoria. All the best to a great broadcaster.

  5. Familiar and trusted voices are a big reason dwindling numbers of British Columbians tune into an actual radio station. Given that, I’m sad to see Steve pink slipped. Bud’s entitled to his opinion, but I was glad to hear Kim Emerson’s return to radio. (I doubt he even retains a real estate licence because his Real Estate Weekly ads haven’t appeared in ages.) Kim’s familiar and just-the-facts voice helps make up for the loss of Ian Jessop and Frank Stanford.

  6. So sorry to hear that big corporations don’t realize they have actual human beings that deliver their services, not just pay checks that can be dismissed to protect top management profits! I will miss hearing Steve a great deal.

  7. …so sad to hear of this. My ex husband filled in for Steve at C-FAX while he recuperated after an operation years ago…it has always been known that radio does not pay well unless you work for the CBC. I wish you well Steve as you will be missed. I will no longer be listening to C-FAX.

  8. So sorry to read this news. A strong voice for local sports and “getting bums in the seats” his broadcasts will be missed in this community. So sick of hearing my favorite personslities being let go over $$$. Good luck, Steve!

  9. Steve, you and I spent a lot of time together over the years. I remember some great times at the old Memorial Arena. I also enjoyed working with you for a few years in the same news room.
    I know how much you love Victoria and the local sports scene. You were always a class act both on and off the air. The next chapter of your life is now here. All the best buddy, be proud of what you accomplished in this market. An amazing career!

  10. Steve, as you know the media is a very tough business, you gave it integrity, wish you well & will miss your familiar voice when I wake up.

  11. Time to get a motorcycle again Steve & do some riding.
    You were a good man to work with in the same company. minded your own business & just did your job – have always admired you – enjoy life & your family

  12. Steve: When heard the news of what CFAX Toronto & Vancouver stuffed shirts who know nothing about caring for their staff did to you . I was appalled. The new IHeart logo, in my estimation should called “No Heart Radio.

    The days of Mel Copper show love for his staff, and treated all his staff as family. It is very obvious that is one thing that “No Heart radio will never understand.
    I quess those other longtime on Air personalities better watch their backs, they coil
    be next without notice as well.

    You always been not only a class act, but a good friend. Your the best Steve.
    B.J. Roberts

  13. CFAX has lost another listener! You were always the best voice of this station. Another move by the greedy upper management. The only knowledgeable sportscaster in Victoria radio. You will be missed.!

  14. Sorry to hear about Steve. He came to OK Radio with the acquisition of CKDA, which became CKXM Country for a number of years. Steve always had a well deserved following and that sure continued at CFAX. A real pro and a real good guy. All the best Steve.

  15. Steve Duffy, you’re a class act, a consummate news & sports guy with a great balance of local & int’l reporting. I’d only tuned in to CFAX anymore to hear your 10am because it summed up your earlier reports with a brief look ahead, and always an appropriate kicker. I heard Ryan Price this week and assumed you were on vacation, now I know the sad truth. CFAX continues its dumbing-down. I agree with Bud about the very amateurish Price, a few years back I heard Price stumbling through news on Camosun’s student radio station, and suddenly he’s news director at CFAX doing the same! Out of habit I look at the CFAX website and see Price’s misspellings and shake my head… All the best to you, Steve!

  16. Steve..sorry to hear the news .worked with Steve at CKDA in mid 80’s where we watched 13 colleagues fired one friday afternoon. The more things change the more they remain the same. Good luck Steve

  17. The ending of Steve Duffy’s excellent career means one less sports reporter to cover the scores. They all cut back the sports, so that news reporters are forced to report on the sports. What this means is that when sports news breaks, local sports teams and athletes feel screwed over when their press releases are now ignored. It means less listeners, folks, so naturally, less advertising revenue and more layoffs. Bottom line: stop firing the sports department.

  18. People tune in to radio to hear familiar voices. Friendly voices that you recognize, trust and want to spend time with. This relationship is what sustains radio through all of the innovation and technical changes disrupting the news/entertainment industry. Regrettably, corporations and their minions do not understand this dynamic. Steve, it’s been a great ride. Hope to tune in to hear your dulcet voice soon.

  19. Steve..you will be missed. I have listened to you in the morning since before my kids were born. I have seen you at sporting events..always a smile. You are a treasure to the Victoria and Western Communities. I am saddened this would happen at the end of a wonderful career.. i only hope your voice hits the airwaves again!!!

  20. Good grief!! I just found out this morning and couldn’t believe it! I thought you were taking a well deserved vacation! If they can let someone of your quality go, who’s next? It’s a terrible decision by those who don’t understand what & who creates a loyalty brand. For me, listening to CFAX will never sound or be the same. Even if it had been your decision to leave. I will miss your voice, your, knowledge, commitment & humor. Good luck & good health in the future & I hope we will hear your voice again soon. I hope you will continue to drop by the Shamrocks entrance , say hi & chew the fat! Talk about a bad news story!!

  21. I am so disappointed that Steve Duffy is not part of CFAX. The only reason I listened to sports was because Steve made it fun! He was easy to listen to and so passionate , especially about the local sports teams. What is wrong with that station. You have made a CBC fan out of me!!

  22. Sorry to hear about Steve Duffy. Another nail in CFAX’s coffin !!!!! I know I won’t be listening
    anymore. It’s been going downhill for quite sometime. As for Ryan Price ………..TERRIBLE !!!

  23. Very sorry to hear about Steve Duffy being let go at Cfax. Bell media has made so many bad moves at that station lately and this one was the final straw for me. I listened everyday for about 40 years. I was weaning myself off gradually, I stopped listening to 9:00am to noon show a couple of months ago. Goodbye Cfax, hello CBC.

  24. I too thought Steve was just on vacation. Sounds like its time to move to another station, I can’t stand that Adam Sterling in the morning 🙁

  25. Such a sad day for radio. Steve, I have fun and pleasant memories of working with you from the first day you arrived at CKDA/CFMS – and very, very sad that you are leaving the airwave s-for now. What a shame. I wish you all the best.

  26. Steve, good luck to you. I remember you well from CFMS noontime – always professional, on-time and a thoroughly nice person. And you still look exactly the same !

  27. I also must express my total shock and displeasure with this decision. As far back as I can remember Steve has ALWAYS been a first class, extremely knowledgeable, Victoria sports personality. One who did his homework & understood the LOCAL sports scene. Steve will definitely be missed by the local athletes as well as the fans. Good luck fella & see you at the game!!!

  28. WOW What a loss Steve had the respect of all the sports figures he met over the years from the old Cougars many NHL stars to the top names in fastball Bugets Bates days to auto racing to lacross, Uvic basketball and high school sports .enjoy your life you will be missed and respected

  29. I too thought Steve was taking a well deserved vacation – I became a CFAX listener over the past few years for the road updates as I live up island. After Terry Moore was not renewed I don’t listen to the show on the way home now and now this – I’ll get my road updates somewhere else. I wish Steve all the best, his passion for his work will be missed.

  30. I, too, am saddened and shocked at the road CFAX brass has elected to go down. How will they expect to attract quality personnel to their fold when they choose to make decisions like this? I have been a very long time listener but I’m done. Steve was extremely knowledgeable about local sports, and more importantly…….the PEOPLE involved. People matter. Steve matters. Goodbye CFAX

  31. I think after Mr Duffys’s contributions should be given more respect and offered a at least a last couple weeks on the air and we also hope he was taken care at the end with a severance package as he has been a mojor contributor to our community and a builder of your stations Identity. We like the station and sometimes change is good however not in your recent decisions to remove Mr Duffy from CFAX . Forty years is a good run and he should be and Im sure he is very proud of his show . Why don’t you call him and see how he is doing , if he takes your call ? You have done well Steve Duffy , do well on your path from here on , Dave

  32. I only listen to 1070 but the changes that are being made are questionable. Now I will move on to another station. And where is Joe Perkins. Off radio and channel 12. the reason you where number one is Victoria is because of the personalities of the people and programs. The animal show is a joke Listen to the people and get back to making us happy.


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