Day two of the B.C.A.B. from the southern shore of Okanagan Lake in Penticton.

Gerry O’Day


PSR Contributor


Thursday May 19th, 2016


The crowd of 100+ were treated to an overview first thing this morning on what’s new at the C.R.T.C. Bottom line , they are taking the basic cable package ( $25.00 ) back to a public hearing this September


Sean Ross at the podium at BCAB Convention May 18th, 2016 (Photo: Gerry O’Day)


The B.C. Chair suggested broadcasters need to lobby better on releasing the F.M. chip in cell phones.

Second up was Sean Ross from Edison Research with his fourth visit to one of our conventions. He certainly has a very good grip on Canadian Radio and how some stations such as SUN-FM ( B.C. Interior has been able to combine CHR and HOT A.C. over the years. His topic covered how many radio formats cross with musical acts and styles of music. What is the hot new format? . CHR – he feels based on the platforms available today for airplay, this will morph into something more modern. Imagine the new Keith Urban single which is currently being worked by the music industry as part of the mix with Justin Bieber in rotation. It probably will happen.

Ross also touched on a few topics that Daniel Anstandig of Futuri Media focussed on during day one. The digital change is coming fast to this industry and both seemed to say most industry shakers should show up at the C.E.S. next January in Las Vegas.


Numeris arrived with an update of the former B.B.M. Ross Davies moderated a great explanation of what is being bench tested and coming. Online Radio diary will arrive this fall in Canada in most places. The ability to get daily People Meter numbers was also reviewed and is available but can’t be used for selling purposes. I thought that from a programming point is excellent to see if your contest is working, a live broadcast achieved tune in or a special program scored big with the listing panel.

Pics of winners from the dinner on our next post.




Related Story, Day ONE

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