Facebook Still Social Media’s Big Gorilla




Thursday May the 12th, 2016



With Facebook announcing this week it will launch Rise & Shine, a new, live-streamed morning feed “show” created by DigitasLBi, it’s a good time for radio to remember that despite some media reports to the contrary, the massive social media platform remains a major platform for users of all ages.

Two recent reports from eMarketer Daily tend to confirm that fact, with one noting that time spent with Facebook is still growing — albeit not as rapidly as it once was.

According to eMarketer’s latest forecast of time spent with media, this year Americans will spend more than half of their social networking time on Facebook. And when it comes to social media marketing, the second study reported by eMarketer says “nearly all social media marketers worldwide believe Facebook produces the best ROI and is essential to social media marketing success.”

Oh, and about all those Millenials who are ditching Facebook that you’ve read about? “Not. Even. Close,” says a recent report by Kurt Wagner posted at recode.net. “Nearly every Internet-wielding millennial in America still uses Facebook on a regular basis.”

Read more HERE.

NTS Media OnLine.com




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