Darren Brown Moves from APD/MD To PD at CRUZ



A big congrats to Darren Brown who is set to take over the PD role at CRUZ Edmonton, where he’s currently APD/MD.


  1. Darren’s a good guy and this is well deserved. He knows the brand well and this will only credit the stations success in the marketplace. Congrats.

  2. From our Puget Sound Radio and Darren’s Facebook Page,
    47 others like this.

    Darren Brown: I think I’m looking directly into the sun.
    45 mins · Like

    Patrick Janex · Friends with Steve Huber and 12 others
    Hard work pays off congrats friend
    41 mins · Like

    Jean Claude Van Zelmer · 17 mutual friends
    f**k I knew this guy back in the day
    39 mins · Like

    Curtis Brown · Friends with Darren Brown and 1 other
    Send resumes filled with glitter directly to… lol
    10 mins · Like

    Geo Schapansky · 2 mutual friends
    You’re kind of a big deal!
    8 mins · Like

    Stacie Driedger · Friends with Steve Huber and 26 others
    Nice work!
    8 mins · Like

  3. I really do hate to rain on anyones parade, but from what I understand Darren is barely out of NAIT. What kind of qualifications does he have as a PD in a Major Market like Edmonton? If its because he was the Music Director, I wouldn’t brag about that, considering the Music is the Major Problem with CRUZ.
    Then I would think to myself if I was an employee of Harvard, just what kind of guidance and direction could junior give me, not to forget radio pros like Gary James, or the morning team of McCord/Bradley, and the other on air staff. Please Enlighten me.

  4. Opinions are like assholes, everyone has one.

    I’m pretty sure Darren is actually a SAIT graduate, And has done well for himself right out of the gate, he’s likeable, knowledgeable and clearly more qualified than you. And that comment is purely based on your shitty attitude in your foul comment above.

    Darren has worked at the Goat in Lloydminster, a station known for producing some of the best radio talent in the country, On air and Programming. Fact.

    Darren has also was nominated for a CMW MD award this year for the music work he did in Saskatoon, under the guidance of Andy Ross, yet another great programmer.

    He deserves this opportunity to shine, and will absolutely bring his own ideas to the party, you could even consider him a fresh set of eyes on the product.

    True radio professionals like Gary, McCord & Bradley will respect a knowledgeable and smart PD regardless of age, or how long they’ve apparently been out of school.

    So before you jump to such a hateful and totally unfounded attack on someone that’s doing well for themselves perhaps give them a chance to show you what they can do.

    Enlightened yet asshole?

  5. It all depends what kind of PD you want. If someone is executing format instructions from afar, you barely need a PD on the ground at all let alone one with serious experience. These days, not all PD’s are building programming strategies and policies. In fact, it is rare in chains. Most strategies are set by committee involving programmers from other markets. In Harvard’s case, I’d put $5 on Andy Ross sending his database to Edmonton when they launched Cruz.

    Now before I get called an asshole…..this isn’t a bad strategy. The local PD can focus more on in market needs, chase his/her staff out of their caves, concentrate on day to day execution leaving the format calls to Andy & Christian. Lots of other stations work this way. Most notably in Edmonton is CISN where Phil Kallsen from Calgary has been calling the programming shots for years.

    True….the old fashioned way of thinking, this guy would have gone to Regina to program the two stations there for a few years before moving back up to Edmonton. That is more of a career progression in the traditional sense for old radio guys….including myself.

    If this guy has the chops to be set on fire right away…..good for him! It’s only an $80-Million+ market after all. No pressure.

  6. Let’s just say I’m glad a narrow minded thinker like “veteran” wasn’t the GM of Power 97 when I got my first shot as a PD.

    Mr. Brown’s resume makes him more than qualified for this position. I suggest you take some of that “veteran” experience of yours to research it…because making uneducated statements is a pretty rookie move.

  7. What a dick above “anonymous” is. He clearly has no idea who Darren Brown is. First of all, Darren graduated from SAIT back in 2001! So, that makes him more than “just out of” school. Second, Darren is a Calgarian born and raised,.So he isn’t coming back home to Edmonton. All that aside Darren is also a good guy with a great resume. congrats

  8. What wonderful news! I was at ‘QR, Calgary, when Darren became an “op”, there. I sensed he had the ability and, knowledge, to go far. Congratulations, Darren!


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