JACK CULLEN-Legendary Disc Jockey


Tony Wade did this doc on Jack Cullen in late 1982, aired in January 1983.
He was recording his show in a small strip-mall in Burnaby, BC Canada and didn’t want the outside filmed because his vast record collection was in there at the time.
He was quite the character and lived up to his rep as a drinker, even then.
Jack died aged 80 in April 2002. RIP.


  1. I was maybe 10 or 11 years old and I would tune into his show every night at 10:30 to hear “SHOW TALK” . He would take calls from his listeners. I called him and asked about Canadian Content , I was just a punk kid and he treated me with great respect talking the time to explain this rule in terms a 10 year kid could understand. I can still hear the theme music he played for this segment. Great Radio!

  2. Jack was Mr. Vancouver…that man had soul and was revered by all for his dedication to the jazz and big band sound. He mixed with the people and was often seen on the Fraser St. bus going to work. He could give a running commentary on every artist of the day. He knew most of them personally. Jack was a character .. one of a kind .. but he was a lonely man and had trouble with a bit too much to drink at times. I met him when I worked for a record label downtown. He was always the gentleman. Everyone listened to the OWL PROWEL it was music magic.

  3. A true professional D.J. I was hosting the Legendary Sock Hop and Malt Party on CKWX between 9PM-12MID at the time. My music was 60’s and Jack did the rest on CKNW. We would chat live on-air with each other from time to time. This was a satisfying time for those of us in Radio during the 60’s and 70″s.

    Peter Alpen

  4. Eileen
    I never had the privilege of meeting Jack Cullen but his Owl Prowl program was on CKNW at our house as often as my Mom had the radio on at night. It was many years later that I was working in New Westminster and I had met an employee that worked with Jack. I happened to mention I was taking a day off work as it was my parent’s anniversary. To my surprise, the day before I took the day off, there was a package for me at work. My parents had been married in 1946 and inside the bag was a tape of all the songs from that year, which Jack Cullen had taken the time to record for them and their big day! To this day, although they are gone now, I cherish that tape and Jack for making it for them. You can’t replace memories of some of the radio personalities back in the day and I’m as grateful today to Jack as much as I was then.

  5. I have fond memories of listening to Jack Cullen on CKNW, back in the days when the station was really worth listening to. Because of Jack Cullen I gained an appreciation of the music of the forties and the fifties.
    The Owl Prowl broadcast was wonderful. I especially enjoyed Network Replay. Every night at 1105, after the Eleven o’clock news, Jack would replay the old classic radio programs in their entirety, complete with the original commercials. Dragnet, Lux Radio Theatre, Kraft Music Hall; I remember them all and still enjoy them.


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