Don Shafer is with Ally Shafer at St. Paul’s Hospital – Providence Health

Don Shafer
Good News! We just got a pm from Don, who is still in the hospital, and is on the road to total recovery. For those on facebook, you can drop Don a line. He would LOVE to hear from you.
*Shafe’s Surgical Update*
Family and Dear Friends, (from Facebook)
My Dad asked to me send you an update and after a long day he is just heading to the Cardiac Surgical Intensive Care Unit (CSICU) where he will be recovering from surgery. Today he received a valve replacement and quadruple bypass at St Paul’s Hospital in Vancouver.
Dr. Cheung (cardiac surgeon) updated us post-operatively and everything seems to have been successful. He will likely be released in 7 to 10 days, and on the slow but promising road to hiking, adventuring and getting into his usual trouble – now with an upgraded ticker. ❤️‍🩹
Please feel free to call or private message me as needed, and I will also be updating you all on here until our guy can be back online. Thank you for being his army of support and loving him as much as I do.
Ally Shafer



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