Tara Sands: A Voice for Everything – Matt’s Sound Off Podcast


Tara Sands was an imaging voice for a radio station I was programming in my radio days. It always exciting to hire new voice talent to put a fresh sound to your station. Her work extends well beyond FM, into some of the things you might hear like cartoons and commercials, but also in Anime, Audiobooks and now Podcast. If there’s audio to be recorded, she is likely recording it.

In this episode, you will hear about Tara’s teenage years in New Jersey where she took in a few Bruce Springsteen concerts and would take trips to New York to perform in theatre. We also spoke about the joyful consequences of popularity when you are a voice of Bulbasaur on the popular cartoon Pokemon. There’s a whole world of celebrity conventions and your social media changes forever. We also talked at length about the pandemic and its affects on the work that she does. For instance, Tara has not visited a studio since March 2020 and made significant upgrades to her studio in order to make it “hard wired” for internet connectivity and upgraded for speed. Voiceover talent will especially love this deep dive into her work life and career.

There”s an awful lot of things that I wanted to ask after the interview was over – but that’s what the episode page is for. If your radio station would like to have Tara as an imaging voice, please reach out to her via her webpage.

Thanks also to the people who make this show possible every week including:


Justin Dove at Core Image Studios


Matt Cundell

Matt Cundill works with radio groups on digital strategies and talent coaching. He recently started the Sound Off Podcast: The Podcast about Broadcast”

E-mail Matt: ma**@ma*********.com
Twitter: @mattcundill

Sound off Podcast

” The Sound Off Podcast is committed to helping broadcasters find their way through the digital revolution. “



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