(B.C. programmer and on-air personality David Larsen lost his battle with cancer Friday night. He was 62).
Courtesy of
Connie Thiessen
June 14, 2021
Kelowna’s K96.3 (CKKO-FM) will pay tribute Monday morning to former program director and morning show host David Larsen, who lost a battle with cancer Friday night. He was 62.

“Everything I ever knew about David begins and ends with a man who loved radio,” said Larsen’s former longtime co-host, Tony Peyton.“When he was 19, he worked three different stations in Squamish: his daytime gig was as ‘Shotgun McLoud’ on the country station, drive he was ‘Danny Magic’ on the pop station, nights he DJ’d as ‘Jack Blaze’ on the rock station.”
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