Mainstream Media Caught With Blood on Their Hands


Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola

June 3, 2021


  • For the past year, anyone who discussed the possibility of SARS-CoV-2 coming from a lab was slandered and censored. Mainstream media insisted SARS-CoV-2 made the jump from bats to humans at one of Wuhan’s open-air wet markets
  • To support this assertion, mainstream journalists relied on papers and “scientific consensus” statements concocted by individuals who are deeply involved in the very research that might have created this pandemic
  • Many legacy journalists now find themselves in the uncomfortable position of being called out for their collusion with people who have worked to deceive us
  • If the world accepted the natural origin theory, those conducting dangerous gain-of-function research that may have caused this pandemic, would be able to justify the expansion of such research
  • As it stands, evidence points to COVID-19 being the result of a lab leak, which would necessitate rethinking the legality of gain-of-function research that makes pathogens more dangerous

I first mentioned that the COVID-19 outbreak had the hallmarks of a laboratory escape over 15 months ago in my February 4, 2020, article, “Novel Coronavirus — The Latest Pandemic Scare.”

I, and anyone else who discussed this possibility, were roundly dismissed as unreliable kooks by mainstream media, who for well over a year have insisted SARS-CoV-2 made the jump from bats to humans at one of Wuhan’s open-air “wet markets.”

To support their assertion, mainstream journalists relied on papers and “scientific consensus” statements concocted by individuals who are in fact deeply involved in the very research that created this pandemic.

Individuals such as National Institute for Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) director Dr. Anthony Fauci, National Institutes of Health director Dr. Francis Collins,1 Dr. Ralph Baric and EcoHealth Alliance president Peter Daszak — four prominent natural origin promoters given plenty of airtime — have a lot to lose if it turns out the pandemic virus originated in a lab.

So, of course they would want everyone to think SARS-CoV-2 just arose naturally and jumped species. In fact, if the world embraced this notion, they’d be able to use this pandemic to justify the expansion of the dangerous gain-of-function research they were involved with, and which is now accused of causing the pandemic.

Mainstream Media Covered Up the Truth for Over a Year

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  1. And now there is the new bird flu variant, when will the Chinese biological warfare be dealt with properly. Neither Comrade Doctor Tam, nor King Justin of brownface will do anything so as not to upset his Chinese masters…


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