Roger Stone knows a good reporter and one who is not. Yesterday he called out a nasty CNBC reporter for what he was.


(Above picture of Stone surrounded by MSM reporters after his arrest by Mueller gang on fraudulent charges.)

“I Have a Policy of Only Answering Questions from Real Legitimate Reporters– of Which You Are Not One” – Roger Stone’s Response to Nasty CNBC Reporter

By Joe Hoft

The Gateway Pundit

July 8, 2020

Roger Stone knows a good reporter and one who is not.  Yesterday he called out a nasty CNBC reporter for what he was.

A good reporter reports the facts and leaves politics behind. But in today’s world the MSM has lost all pretense of fair reporting. CNBC, MSNBC, CNN, the New York Times and Washington Post are the worst. The reporters for these outfits are beyond biased in the age of President Trump, they are corrupt.*

Another example of media bias occurred yesterday in a report by CNBC reporter Kevin Breuninger about Roger Stone.

Read More HERE





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