China Is Behind and Beside Leading Liberal Media Efforts to Destroy Trump & America



By Joe Hoft

The Gateway Pundit

June 27, 2020

China, the same country that gave us the China coronavirus, costing over 100,000 American lives, is also behind much of the bad press related to President Trump and the USA.

China’s CCP (Communist Party) created an entity labeled the “United Front” directed to ensure the media in the US is flattering towards China and policies beneficial to China.  The United Front also supports Democrat policies that benefit China and pushes the promotion of these policies.

We’ve reported numerous times how China’s economy is stalling, if not going backwards.  There are numerous measurements that support this position, and yet you never hear about this in any of the free world’s media.

We posted a presentation in August 2019 from former Trump Chief Strategist Steve Bannon regarding China. He discussed how China is in an economic war with the US. He said America was losing until President Trump. Then he added this:

Read More HERE





  1. Hey there “Industry Professionals”,
    Could you be knowingly or unknowingly be working for the best interests of China ?


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