Trump campaign sends CNN ‘cease and desist’ letter


President demands network retract poll that found Biden up 14 points

by William Cummings for USA TODAY   June 10 2020

Two days after President Donald Trump lashed out at CNN over a poll showing him trailing former Vice President Joe Biden, his reelection campaign sent CNN a cease and desist letter Tuesday demanding the cable news network retract it and apologize.

The letter to CNN President Jeff Zucker, signed by Trump campaign legal adviser Jenna Ellis and Chief Operating Officer Michael Glassner, alleged the poll was “designed to mislead American voters through a biased questionnaire and skewed sampling.”

“We stand by our poll,” said Matt Dornic, a CNN spokesman, in response.

Trump lashed out at CNN on Monday after the network released the poll, which showed him trailing Biden by 14 percentage points and also showed his job approval rating had dropped 7 percentage points in one month.

“CNN Polls are as Fake as their Reporting,” Trump tweeted. The president has regularly attacked news organizations when he does not like the results of their polling, even though the surveys are conducted by independent third parties such as SSRS, the survey and marketing company that conducted the CNN polls.

“Same numbers, and worse, against Crooked Hillary,” he asserted. Despite Trump’s claim, his numbers in CNN’s polling were much better in June 2016,  when the network found Clinton with a five-point lead over him.



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