Vancouver (NEWS 1130) – “Did gold teeth miraculously appear in people’s mouths? When I spoke in tongues, was that just gibberish? Why did I believe that heat in my body meant that God was healing me? Did God heal me? Did God heal anyone?”
Tara Jean Stevens still has questions about a spiritual movement that spread from Toronto all the way to her childhood church in Prince Rupert, B.C. Decades later, the KiSS Radio host poses those and other questions in Heaven Bent, which premieres Monday on the Frequency Podcast Network.
The first five episodes focus on the Toronto Blessing.
“I have this memory from 1999 of a bunch of people, just having recently arrived back from a trip to Toronto, and they stood in front of us on a Sunday morning, and opened their mouths, and showed us gold molars in their mouths. And they told us, as we looked inside their mouths with flashlights, that God had miraculously given them these gold teeth.”
That memory stuck with her. “My entire adult life I thought, ‘Was that a dream? Did I make that up? Was it a play?’ So I started to look into it,” Stevens says. “It turns out our church had been caught up in a pretty controversial spiritual movement within the Charismatic Evangelical Church.”
Read more HERE.
Blessing or Curse
Beware False Prophets Among Us.