VIDEO: Charlamagne Quizzes Rush Limbaugh


The Breakfast Club Meets Rush For A ‘Special Conversation’

June 1, 2020           courtesy
  • breakfastclublimbaugh2020.jpg

    Two of PREMIERE NETWORKS’ biggest — and most polarized — acts came together for a “special conversation” TODAY (6/1).

    THE BREAKFAST CLUB — CHARLAMAGNE THA GOD, ANGELA YEE, and DJ ENVY — exchanged viewpoints with RUSH LIMBAUGH in a half-hour taped conversation airing at 2p (ET) on iHEARTMEDIA Urban and Top 40/Rhythmic stations, in the wake of the GEORGE FLOYD killing and this weekend’s protests and looting.

    LIMBAUGH, who said he was appalled by FLOYD’s death at the hands of a MINNEAPOLIS policeman, debated The CLUB on whether the policeman would have been charged more swiftly had the victim been white, whether President TRUMP should be trying to heal the nation (LIMBAUGH, whose criticism of President OBAMA was noted, said yes), racism and white supremacy (LIMBAUGH asking “why do you guys still vote Democrat?,” with CHARLAMAGNE responding that he lets nobody off the hook; LIMBAUGH claimed that he does not deny white supremacy exists but deflected the discussion of white privilege, telling the CLUB that he, too, has been treated poorly, drawing the question of whether he has ever been pulled over for the “crime” of driving a nice car), the media’s role, and other aspects of the story and race relations in a sometimes testy hour.

    Watch the interview below.


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