Subway Ordered to pay CBC $500 G’s after Failed Lawsuit


Sandwich firm loses defamation lawsuit over ‘Marketplace’ story, must pay CBC’s legal costs

TORONTO — Subway has been ordered to pay the CBC $500,000 in legal costs following its failed bid to sue the public broadcaster for defamation.

In his decision, Ontario Superior Court Justice Ed Morgan attributed much of the length and complexity of the legal battle to the approach taken by the fast-food chain.

Subway had sued the CBC for defamation over a “Marketplace” report in February 2017 that focused on the amount of chicken in its chicken sandwiches. The world’s largest fast-food operator sought $210 million in damages.

The CBC succeeded in November in having Morgan dismiss the action pre-trial under so-called anti-SLAPP legislation, which aims to protect free speech on matters of public interest. The company, Morgan noted, went all out in fighting the CBC’s dismissal motion.

Read the rest of the story  HERE.


  1. If only Marketplace would go after the vaccine industry with the same gusto they go after how much chicken goes into a chicken sandwich.

  2. So CBC doesn’t have to back up it’s chicken claim against Subway; to demand them to do so is a violation of their freedom of speech?


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