DISTURBING: Liberals Block Canadian Journalist From Covering Trudeau Press Conference

Photo – Twitter


by Spencer Fernando

September 22, 2019

Another anti-democratic move by the Trudeau Liberals.

Andrew Lawton

In an outrageous move, the Trudeau Liberals have blocked Canadian journalist Andrew Lawton from covering a Justin Trudeau press conference.

It’s a disgraceful and anti-democratic move by the Liberals, showing their utter contempt for Canadians and for free expression.

Here’s what Lawton said on Twitter:

“It’s official. I’ve been banned from covering Justin Trudeau’s press conference. The reason? I’m not an “accredited” journalist, though the press secretary could not provide a definition of what accreditation means in a country that doesn’t license journalists.”

“To be cleared I RSVPd for this event as soon as it was announced yesterday and no one told me there would be an issue with me attending.”

“Justin Trudeau tried to shake my hand thinking I was an adoring fan, but wouldn’t answer my question: why am I banned from covering his press conference?”

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  1. Whoa Andre! Maybe switch to decaf for awhile bro….
    What amazes me, now for a couple of decades, is how many Canadians have put their faith in a father/son combo who beyond their ‘control-freak’ mentalities, have divided Canada in so many ways.
    Go away Mr. Blackface!


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