Longtime Vancouver Radio Newsman Kerry Marshall dies, victim of Brain Cancer


Sad news first reported by RadioWest.ca.  Veteran radio newsman Kerry Marshall has died after a brief battle with brain cancer. He was reportedly admitted recently to Lions Gate Hospital in North Vancouver.

Marshall began his career at CHUB Nanaimo in 1969.  He was the familiar voice of news then News Director at CKLG/ CKLG-FM/ CFOX-FM Vancouver from 1974 – 2002.  He followed the morning team of Larry & Willy to JACK-FM and remained there for ten years.   Later he was associated as News Director with the ill-fated Roundhouse Radio operation, but as the red ink mounted he departed some two years later.  Most recently Kerry was co-host with another longtime Vancouver broadcaster, Dave Pratt, on the sports-focussed podcast The Prattcast.



  1. This is extremely sad. I first heard Kerry back in the 80’s on the fox. I know as a teenager back then he was the first source of any news I ever paid attention to. I always enjoyed Kerry no matter if he was with TDM, Dave Pratt or Larry and Willy or anybody else. We’ve lost a true giant in the industry. RIP Kerry.

  2. I always remember his booming voice and newscast. I also remember walking in the main entrance on Richards to pick up something, where Fox/LG was and he rocking around the Christmas tree. Listeners were donating toys to give to needy families.

  3. One of the most talented and well liked Broadcaster, in our City will not be forgotten. This is a huge loss…he was a man that was superbly talented and a very nice guy. Condolences to his Family and legion of friends and fans. RIP.

  4. I never met Mr. Marshall but do remember him and Manny Bazoonis doing the News at the Fox. Best one-two punch ever! The drivel today’s news announcers stumble and mumble through would be well-advised to listen to old broadcasts of Mr. Marshall. I’m sure that legacy alone would bring a smile in this time of sorrow.

  5. So few distinctive news voices left in the Vancouver radio market. Kerry Marshall’s voice was part of that sadly diminishing pool.

  6. We are so very sad to hear that Kerry passed away. We met and got to know Kerry as a hockey dad to Brooks back when he started playing hockey with our oldest son through NVMH. Later learned and listened to him on the radio. In the last 10 years at Seymour Golf Course, he always had time for a chat, always some laughs. He was a really nice person. Our hearts go out to Brooks and the family and friends left to mourn his loss. That voice will be missed as well.
    R.I.P. Kerry
    Our deepest condolences from The Johannesen Family xoxo

  7. We are so sad to hear about Kerry. He was a wonderful person who touched the lives of many. The memory of Kerry will live on forever through his wonderful sense of humour, and we will forever hear his distinct voice and delivery 🙂 We offer our most sincere condolences to Brooks and family. Hugs from the Dekanich family

  8. Kerry was responsible for my hiring at CHUB back around 1972. Always remember him telling me that the demo read I did was one of the worst he’d heard, which was followed with: “You can’t possibly get any worse, so we’d like to offer you the job.” Flash ahead to Roundhouse Radio and as he was giving me a tour, he asked casually whether I might be interested in a part-time anchor position, should one come available. I thanked him for his confidence in me and replied “news reader, yes, news anchor no. It’s above my pay scale.”

  9. I have just now learned of Kerry’s passing, a significant loss. I would like to recall my all too brief experience with him: When looking into a career in radio, Kerry spent hours with me. My sweetest memory was going with him to pick up William Shatner at the airport for an event later that day at the Queen Elizebeth Theatre. Shatner spoke continuously in the car. “Does it always rain so much? It sure is a long drive”. He commented on everything. We took him to have lunch at the William Tell on Beatty Street. Upon entering, the entire section of patrons practically jumped out of their seats (This day was forty years ago). Mr. Shantner was delighted with the reception while remarking that the table cloth was “garish.” He hardly noticed Kerry grab me to “make a call to the station.” In the foyer, Kerry said, “Wanna ditch Shatner?” I gasped, “Kerry, you’ll get fired!” He smiled. “Scott, I run the station!” We left for one of his “three-hour executive lunches.” When we returned to CKLG, the receptionist smiled, “Bill called and said thanks for lunch, and he’ll see you tonight!” That was the only time I met my brother’s friend and client. They broke the mould!


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