Matthew McBride on the CRTC Hot Seat in September


It may be Matthew McBride’s long-awaited comeuppance. The CRTC will hold a hearing on September 5th in Gatineau, QC to review repeated and persistent non-compliance with one or more regulatory requirements by McBride’s licensed undertakings, CHMZ-FM Tofino, CFPV-FM Pemberton, CIMM-FM Ucluelet and CKPM-FM Port Moody.

The Commission will also consider applications by the Tofino and Ucluelet stations for authority to change their ownership and effective control. The Commission is accepting submitted interventions until July 29th, but no personal appearance is required by any of the parties at the scheduled September hearing.

Our thanks to Gord Lansdell and his Northwest Broadcasters “Recent News” page for the first posting on this subject. .



  1. Well unless they have deep pockets or have a passion for losing money, I guess most small footprint stations must make a little money or break even. Why hasn’t there been more go off the air? Not that many, and those that have closed up shop were either AM or had other issues beyond just selling air time. Canada has more over the air radio stations than ever before, and right or wrong the CRTC is still licensing new stations every year. Get those applications in folks!!

  2. Mr McBride should not be allowed within 100 yards of any broadcasting venture. He’rips off naive broadcasters and refuses to pay his bills in a timely manner.


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