Ten Questions for Entercom’s AC Format Captain

courtesy AllAccess.com  May 21, 2019


To say the least, Nikki Nite has worked and earned her way up to her current role as VP/Programming and AC Format Captain for Entercom. She started her career in South Carolina, Nite eventually honed her programming chops in a variety of formats on a number of stations in markets that ranged from Myrtle Beach, Greenville, Dallas and Sacramento to, currently, Austin. Here, she offers her insight on the delicate balance of programming the various niches of Adult Contemporary.

You’ve programmed a variety of formats. Are the basics tenets for successful programming the same no matter the format, or are there discernable differences, such as some tenets are more important for one format than another?

I’ve found the basic tenets to be the same. If a programmer understands the target audience, the reason for the brand to “be” and which content will keep the audience engaged, using the basic tenets for successful programming will lead to strong performance.

Describe your duties as AC Format Captain…

What I do at a given time depends on the current needs and can include assisting with things such as music, talent and digital. I act as a resource and work with PDs where needed on strategy, tactics and execution.

Bringing our talented team of AC programmers together is also an important part of the role. I initiate collaboration among our PDs to share ideas and best practices. We have a great brain trust and by working together, we can help all our brands achieve even greater success.

In an earlier Power Player interview, Pat Paxton described Entercom’s use of annual Format Captains. Yet you’re doing AC for the second year in a row. What made you decide to do it again?

I love programming. I love collaborating with people. I love helping others. I get to do all of these things in this role. And I also get to learn. Every time I speak with another Entercom PD about their situation, I learn something, so it helps me too. It’s challenging and exciting to be exposed to all the different competitive scenarios that exist across the country.



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