Journalist Questions Why Trudeau Government Is Ratting Out Reporters To Irving


by Spencer Fernando

June 1, 2019

“If you are a reporter in Ottawa and ask questions about Irving shipbuilding, the government will turn your name and question over to Irving who have then threatened reporters with lawsuits,” says Mercedes Stephenson.

On Twitter, journalist Mercedes Stephenson shared a series of Tweets in which she questions why the Trudeau government is ratting out reporters to Irving Shipbuilding.

Stephenson’s comments follow in the footsteps of a Globe & Mail report that revealed the Trudeau government was telling Irving Shipbuilders when reporters asked the government questions about contracts.

It’s a disturbing example of how – as we’ve seen over and over again – the Trudeau Liberals serve the elites at the expense of everyone else.

Below, you can read Stephenson’s remarks as she asks some very serious questions about this disturbing situation:

“If you are a reporter in Ottawa and ask questions about Irving shipbuilding, the government will turn your name and question over to Irving who have then threatened reporters with lawsuits”

Mercedes Stephenson


If you are a reporter in Ottawa and ask questions about Irving shipbuilding, the government will turn your name and question over to Irving who have then threatened reporters with lawsuits 

Read Much More HERE





  1. This is standard practice for the Irvings. A reporter …. any reporter … asks about them, they immediately resort to threats and attempt to intimidate.
    The government wants to hang on to Liberal votes in the maritimes, so they have a direct line to their major contributors.
    I spent a couple of years as a reporter in New Brunswick back in the mid 1980s … saw them in action first hand.
    Employees of Irving-owned media knew better than to ask any questions.

  2. Will,
    When I was a kid back in the 60’s we lived in a place called Champlain Heights in NB. Had a view of the Irving Refinery “Eternal Flame”.

    A reminder of who was in charge.


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