Drex became Canadian famous just before Christmas in 2012 when he asked then Premier Christy Clark on behalf of a listener if she was more MILF or Cougar. And with that started radio’s era of internet outrage. That was not the first time Drex had been fired. He has a cool back story from his days on air in Australia, and hopscotched the British Columbia coast and interior before making his way to CFOX and then CKNW and the Corus Radio Network.
One of things I love about Drex is his versatility from Rock to Talk to whatever format. He identifies it as radio and connection. He also takes chances, and admits when he is wrong. You can connect with his show’s podcast here if staying up late is not your thing.

Matt Cundill works with radio groups on digital strategies and talent coaching. He recently started the Sound Off Podcast: The Podcast about Broadcast”
E-mail Matt:
Twitter: @mattcundill
” The Sound Off Podcast is committed to helping broadcasters find their way through the digital revolution. “
Drex is oddly hot and cold. He can be very interesting and has a way to express his opinions and create interest beyond the original subject matter. The cold shows up every now and again when he tackles a subject that he has low information . He can be very uninformed. Having said that he manages to entertain and his show is listenable.
His story regarding the take over from Coast to Coast shows his capabilities. The addition of Bob Addison was a major boost to The Shift and Drexs carreer
“Just sayin'” do you have nothing better to do than criticize everything? I have seen your comments on other posts and you have not said anything positive. Maybe it’s time you take a break from the internet, and find yourself a hobby… Just sayin…..
I listen to the last half hour repeat broadcast quite often on my way to the office early in the AM.
I agree with 13, sometimes it is interesting sometimes he is low information yet I am gradually beginning to think his show will be successful. He seems to be filling a need and it is intereting that opinions come in from right across the country., that to me is important and I think it many wil find that appealing.
I believe his show must work well for Night owls and many Working late into the night and early morning.
I also believe that Drex is getting better over time, I might not agree with his Progressive outlook and ideology on many things but it appears he does his best to allow other opinions to be heard. At least from what i have heard up to this point.
I find that sometimes I simply tune out and that is ok, that happens with any show.
I also agree that Addison is a huge reason why the show works so much better now than the initial launch.
I wish them luck, I believe they will do well.
Addison is the best talk producer in the business. So glad to have him as part of the show.
Sorry David, have to agree with Just Sayin—gotta show us the ratings numbers to back up the hype.
Drex, a heads up. The shift is your show and IMHO using Chapman as a guest host is a negative.