PSR would like to thank Larry Chiasson who was recently hired by Edmonton’s newest french language radio station, for sending us this press release which was released over a month ago….
PRESS RELEASE October 1st, 2018 — Edmonton
69 years later, a new French radio station opens in Edmonton!
It is finally here! 69 years after the opening of the first Edmonton French radio station, that eventually became Radio-Canada (CBC), a new radio station will open. On October 6 at 5:30 pm, the Société de la radio communautaire du Grand Edmonton Society, will launch Radio Cité on the grounds of the Cité francophone d’Edmonton. The radio will unite under a same frequency the francophones and Francophiles of greater Edmonton. Three studios are installed at the ground level of the building with the offices on the first floor. The first broacast would be on September 3rd.
Until now, Edmonton was one of the few cities in the country without a French community radio station. Radio Cité will fill an important gap in the market, a French radio to offer services, such as advertisement, activities, services and events announcements to the local organizations, businesses and artists. Our radio station will bring support to small and medium francophone businesses in the community while giving them the potential to grow their business while accessing a new market. They, and the general community, will also be able to contribute to our programing.
The society’s Directors agreed to ensure the radio station is at the center of the francophone community, helps break isolation, gathers generations and diversities and develops the communications that will add value to the dynamic francophone culture of greater Edmonton. In summary, Radio Cité will reinforce the vitality of the existing francophone community. The programing has been created to answer these goals. We anticipate producing approximately 90 hours of local programming within the first 2 years.
A team of professional radio hosts will be broadcasting during the weekdays. Several volunteers, who attended seven training sessions since last Fall, submitted their program ideas and will be hosting on nights and weekends. Productions from Réseau francophone d’Amérique and Radio France International will complete the programming.
This project initiated ten years ago could not have been possible without the support of the Canadian government. It has received grants from the Canadian Heritage’s
Strategic Fund and from Western Economic Diversification Canada. For the last four years, Service Canada and Young Canada Works have made it possible to hire students. Last year, the New Horizons for Seniors program allowed us to develop a series of radio program in collaboration with the Fédération des aînés francophone de l’Alberta. Our pilot project, Radio Cité en résidence scolaire, has just been accepted by Canadian Heritage for the Development of Official Language Communities, Cooperation with the Community Sector funding program. Furthermore, the Community Radio Fund of Canada has announced its support for the development of our news services, including news programs. Finally, the government of Alberta also contributes to Radio-Cité with Community Initiative Program.
We are also thankful for the francophone community for its support in this project.
For more information:
Larry Chiasson
Ventes Directeur/Nouveau Development des Affaires
Sales Manager/New Business Development
#140 – 8627 rue Marie-Anne-Gaboury (91e Rue)
Edmonton, Alberta, T6C 3N1
O: 780-466-9949
C: 780-405-9827
E: ve***@ra*********.ca">ve***@ra*********.ca