FBI Investigates Netflix after Company Streams Child Pornography to its customers


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Streaming giant Netflix is facing an investigation over claims that a film on its platform shows child pornography, just weeks after it was announced Barack Obama signed a lucrative contract to produce and curate content on the platform.

The movie Desearas, meaning Desire, is said to show young girls, aged around seven and nine, in a sexual scene involving pillows. One of the girls apparently brings herself to orgasm while the camera shows a close-up of her face, it is claimed.

The website PJ Media said it had reported the film to the FBI, the Department of Justice and to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC).

According to the Daily Mail, the NCMEC has officially launched an investigation.

The website also reports some users have been sharing the clip on Facebook, many of them in protest, but circulating it for any reason could still be against the law.

Department of Justice guidance says that pictures and video can be illegal even if they do not explicitly show sex, if they are ‘sufficiently sexually suggestive’.



  1. I have considered adding Netflix to my media choices at times but for numerous reasons I have not bothered, first because too many more modern programing and movies no longer interest me much because of the ingrained P.C. SJW activist culture in this programming and movies, as such also due to Netflix’s general liberal, SJW culture. Add the fact that George Soros has reportedly bought a majority share in Netflix now and next now we see this story above.

    Lucifer speaks to those who listen for him. Modern liberalism in society has been taken over or run by Lucifer, sadly many modern liberals and SJW’s (as opposed to the classical liberal) either by ignorance or by will follow the voice of Lucifer as he speaks quietly to them. Dark times.


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