Corus Radio Turfs Ottawa Music Host on Eve of 30 Year Anniversary


Boom lowered on radio veteran Wendy Daniels

Radio host Wendy Daniels in 2004. Daniels was let go this week from Boom 99.7’s roster of on-air personalities. PAT MCGRATH /POSTMEDIA.


After spending nearly three decades in listeners’ living rooms, cars and kitchens, Wendy Daniels is, for the time being at least, leaving Ottawa’s airwaves.

The popular on-air radio personality and host of Boom 99.7’s midday show was let go on Monday, with the station announcing the news on its Facebook page.

“We made some changes to our boom 99.7 programming lineup today,” it said. “Wendy Daniels is no longer host of our midday show. Wendy is a true broadcast professional with many years of experience and significant accomplishments in our local market. We want to sincerely thank her for her many contributions and wish her the best of success in her future endeavours.”

Boom, or more accurately CJOT-FM, is owned by Corus Entertainment.

In her own Facebook post, Daniels thanks her fans, noting “I’ve spent 29 years, 6 months and 23 days working at 1504 Merivale Road and made some wonderful friends and memories. It was an honour to go on air every day. Thanks for hanging out with me on the radio. Maybe we’ll do it again sometime.”

Her post prompted hundreds of likes ands scores of messages of support, including one from former radio personality Sandy Sharkey, with whom Daniels often shared philanthropic hosting gigs: “I’m on the road in Lubbock, Texas,” she wrote, “otherwise I’d be drinking a bottle (or 2) of wine with you right now Wendy Daniels. I would raise a glass to you~ one of the most beloved talents ever to grace the Ottawa airwaves. You delivered the kind of radio that made people stay in their car listening to you long after they had arrived at their destination. You are the original Wicked Wendy. The music, the stories behind the music, the breaking news, the local stories that mattered, the tears when one of our rock and roll icons passed away .. we shared all of this with you. Thank you for always being the best.”



  1. Corus can be cruel when they want to be. I mean all in the name of saving money. They will find somebody to work for half the money. Management at headquarters never gets fired, you know the ones in Toronto.

  2. Ever notice that these ‘pressers’ are never signed…the gutless morons that run that company showed no class in letting this wonderful gal go just before a landmark anniversary.
    She made Corus more money than the current ‘suits’ ever will…

  3. Old school: gold watch, retirement party. New school: called me into office, security walks you out. Get over yourselves media people, no one cares. And for the new generation of media, this has been the new norm for the last few years. No one died, a 30 year career has been ended unceremoniously. And that’s it. Given a little time, this person will come to realize, her firing may have been a blessing in disguise.

  4. Just sayin, hard to argue with your post. I find it odd that media is so cold and calculating. I work in trucking and people seldom get fired, when they do a union will usually try to get them their job back. Classless and tasteless and ruthless might describe the corus management style.
    One New Years Eve about 15 years ago I got a call just before midnight. I picked up and a coworker (non union junior manager) called to tell me he had just been fired with less than 10 minutes left in the year.

  5. Reminds me of a year or so ago when corus fired Jennifer Thompson. She kibitzed and did traffic with Jon McComb. JM just started a new money saving venture called “Therapy Tuesday” . This was where listeners could write or call in and JM and company would discuss how to solve their woes. I called the buzz line and suggested that I had a dilemma for JM and company to solve. I said a coworker of mine that used to work on air and helped me solve other peoples problems was fired. My problem was I didnt have the guts to stand up for her and demand that she stay or I would quit. Oddly my comment never got any air time.


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