CNN Head Blasts Fox News, Bannon Hammers CNN


courtesy   March 23

CNN Worldwide president Jeff Zucker pulled no punches when asked about one of his cable news competitors Thursday. Zucker called Fox News “state-run TV” and “worse than TASS,” which is Russia’s state-run news agency. (TVNewser)

Zucker spoke at the Financial Times-hosted Future of News conference in New York. In discussing the general state of the cable-TV marketplace, Zucker said he feels Fox News has taken a bad turn during the past two years with unquestioning coverage of the Trump administration. Even in the sharp elbows world of cable TV news, Zucker’s comments were surprisingly harsh as a blanket statement about a competitor. (Variety)

Armed with three shirts and a barrage of comebacks, former White House chief strategist Steve Bannon ripped into CNN at the same panel Thursday. “Did anybody at CNN, did any editor, any news person, any anchor, anybody get fired for the awful mess they made of the 2016 campaign which was a disgrace to journalism? None,” he said. (Mediaite)

Bannon dismissed both the Mueller investigation and the controversy over Facebook and Cambridge Analytica (where he once worked; he takes credit for coming up with the company name) as little more than left-wing excuses for losing the election. (Deadline)


  1. unbelievable! This man calling Fox, what CNN is guilty of, being a PROPAGANDA machine. What a bloody hypocrite! I stopped watching CNN msnbc, abc, cbs about five years ago, enough was enough of FAKE News. Although I have my issues with Fox, there is no comparison between them and these lying bastards on corporate media.

  2. Jeff Zucker has nerve calling Fox News “state-run TV” when his CNN, MSNBC and the rest of the liberal media is Democrat-run TV – and for the eight years of the Obama regime, was the REAL state-run TV. Perhaps he’s not familiar with the saying about glass houses…

  3. Fox News is corporate media. Corporate media that happens to fit your particular world view, but corporate media nonetheless.

  4. HAHAHA…..that’s RICH coming from Zucker……….CNN is now the “soft porn’ news station with its FAKE NEWS and Stormy Stormy Stormy 24 hours a day.

    Just like CORUS all these FAKE NEWS companies are headed for the crapper……


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