Report: CNN to Lay Off up to 50 Employees After Missing Revenue Targets

Evan Agostini/Invision/AP



12 Feb 2018

Joe Pompeo writes at Vanity Fair that CNN, led by its president Jeff Zucker, will soon lay off dozens of employees — mostly from “several high-profile digital initiatives” — after the left-wing news network failed to reach revenue targets.

From Vanity Fair:

[D]espite the so-called Trump Bump, CNN appears to be re-thinking at least some elements of its digital strategy. I’ve learned that CNN, a key property in AT&T’s planned takeover of CNN’s parent company, Time Warner, is targeting big savings on the digital side, with as many as 50 jobs around the globe scheduled to be eliminated this week, according to people familiar with the matter, who noted the exact number could still be in flux.

The cuts will affect employees who work in premium businesses including CNN Money, video, product, tech and social publishing, these people said. Several high profile digital initiatives are being scaled back, including CNN’s virtual reality productions and its efforts on Snapchat, where CNN recently nixed a live daily webcast after just four months. CNN’s business-oriented MoneyStream app, as BuzzFeed reported earlier this month, is in the gutter as well. A team that works on the digital extensions of documentary-style TV shows, such as Anthony Bourdain’s Parts Unknown and Lisa Ling’s This is Life, as well as the Brooke Baldwin series American Woman, is also being reorganized.

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  1. Fake News is gonna get you these results.

    CNN is a leader among the host of MSM channels, that hates President Trump, the USA and supports enemies of the USA and western world. Most who work there and other MSM are indoctrinated pawns, drones, useful idiots. Upper management though are agents of evil, Luciferians and seek to destroy the greatest society ever created, warts and all, the US led western developed world.

    I would spit on CNN’s grave once it comes.

  2. Les H.

    CNN is working overtime doing anything they can to discredit Republicans.
    Even if it was not DJT that was Elected for the Republicans CNN, Tapper, Lemon, Cooper, and the rest would still be working overtime to discredit the Republican POTUS.

    They seem to be of the opinion that HRC was Entitled to be President.

    I agree with you 100% that CNN has earned any fall in ratings coming their way. We shall see.

    Trump is certainly not perfect but the Great Unwashed are certainly having their eyes opened when it comes to Dirty Tricks of FBI, Justice Dept, Obama Mistakes, crooked and manipulative Cabinet Members like Holder, Lynch, and some others.

    The “Nothing Burger” Russia Investigation will backfire on The FBI, Obama, Comey, Lynch, and many others. It will be very interesting to watch, i wonder how CNN will cover the whole thing when Obama and his Minions are totally discredited?

    I only wish Trump would sometimes keep his Feet out of his Mouth and get out of the way and let the Obama Admin, HRC, Senior Dem Legislators, CNN, NYTimes, WaPo, and a few others fall flat on their face!

    I believe that once things begin to unravel for the Russia Investigation and the FBI and the Obama Admin draw fire the CNN and others mentioned will be forced to abandon their daily made up stories/rumors they report on the Republicans and they will need to re learn how to Report facts instead of making up news from unknown sources and reports from unreliable moles.

  3. Sure, everything is just “Jim Dandy” at The Clinton (CNN) News Network”!!

    “Nothing to see at all, please move along”!

    “Do not Hold Your Breath”, CNN are seekers of Truth and Report Nothing but Facts, correct?

    BTW, please keep in mind that Greenwald “Hates” everything DJT or Republican!!
    Yet he still writes and reports on the above!!

    Should we “Hold Our Breath’ about this find reporting from CNN?

    Or should we “Hold Our Breath” about this fine reporting from CNN?

    Interestingly enough there is a very large percentage of “The Great Unwashed” out there that actually DO recognize CNN for what they really are, a very biased, dishonest, and manipulative, News Organization.

    No One is “Holding their Breath” about that FACT.

    Who needs facts when YOU have ideology correct?

    It has been over 14 Months since the commencement of the “Nothing Burger” Russia Investigation and we are more than likely closer to finding the individuals that carried out the Tylenol Poisonings , the Killers of Tupac, and the Zodiac Killings.

    Come on, be brave, I am told you are a “Real News Professional”, if that is fact you can then surely recognize and admit that CNN are just a little bit biased can you not?

    Don’t Hold Your Breath.

  4. It’s kind of strange that their cuts seem to be coming from the services of the future like the digital arm of the company. Not sure if this is short-sighted as they are lacking talent on the Cable TV end. If it wasn’t for Trump they would be toast still looking for the Malaysian airliner.

  5. Yep have to admit, seems the only time CNN doesn’t talk about Trump is when they break away to cover the latest mass shooting in the U.S. Sad.

  6. Mark/BARRY

    Like CNN I believe POTUS Trump is in fact responsible for the disappearance of Malaysian Flt 370, the upcoming pregnancy of the KIM Kardashian Surrogate, and the soon to be re emergence of the Shah of Iran! Amazing!

    Anonymous Sources and WH Insiders will then report that Trump will very soon Elope with Caitlyn Jenner and move to Russia to start their lives over again!

    I know I will not need to “Hold My Breath Very Long to See That”!

  7. Even the talking heads at CNN dont believe the crap they serve up on a daily basis. The night that Trump won the election (yes HRC actually lost) to watch the shock and awe on the faces of the CNN bunch was almost monty python like.


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