Democrat Adam Schiff Fell for Russian Prankster Spoof Promising Compromising Dirt on Donald Trump



Schiff: I’m sorry, can you explain that again….. Schiff busily trying to write things down…. this is hilarous! What is so sad is when the Dems fed corporate media with the story, they went to town on it…..

Matthew Boyle

February 6, 2018

Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA), the ranking member of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence (HPSCI), fell for a spoof by Russian pranksters who promised in a call with the top House Democrat to furnish him with“kompromat”–compromising dirt–on President Donald Trump.

Schiff found the early 2017 call with the Russian pranksters, who posed as Ukrainian leaders, “productive,” one of his staffers wrote in an email to the Russians-posing-as-Ukrainians with whom he was communicating. Now, after getting caught in the media by reports in the Atlantic magazine and the U.K. Daily Mail newspaper—as well as audio of the call appearing on YouTube—a Schiff spokesperson claims the powerful Democrat congressman thought the call was “bogus” from the beginning. But that’s not what the record shows.

Read More HERE

The notorious Russian pranksters, who the Daily Mail’s Alana Goodman notes are “comedians nicknamed ‘Vovan’ and ‘Lexus’” who have become famous for “their phony calls to high-ranking American officials and celebrities, including UN Ambassador Nikki Haley and Elton John,” posed as leading Ukrainian officials in their call to Schiff in early 2017.



  1. Not surprised at Schiff falling for the Russian Spoof at all!

    I wonder if his actions will be the cause of a Justice Investigation?

    Have not seen ABC. CBS, NBC, MSNBC, or CNN the Clinton News Network Report On Schiff’s Transgressions as yet but perhaps sometime later in “Fake News Future”!

    We will hear/see a Report on this More than likely during a Power Grid Brown Out at 2;00 AM sometime in late December.

  2. Schiff’s sister is married to one of George Soros’s sons. It is said that she is getting divorced though… Schiff may be coloured by said fact, he certainly then knows Soros and his family.

    Where ever is George Soros there is surely trouble.


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